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Why did I suddenly get blocked from seeing his facebook profile? - Printable Version

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Why did I suddenly get blocked from seeing his facebook profile? - Christina V - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

My ex got very angry with me a month ago, because of a lot of things I just can't explain. It's complicated, and sad. I would have really liked to work things out with him, but I couldn't because of circumstances. Anways, he told me he did not wish to speak with me at all, so I have left him alone completely. It has been a month. Anyways, apropos of nothing, I suddenly noticed that I am blocked from viewing his profile of facebook. I say suddenly, because I really care about him, so I do look him up from time to time, and I know. Also, I think he has been looking on my myspace page frequently, but I cannot be sure. Anyways. Why block me, suddenly? I am not even a friend. And he would have no way of knowing I was looking him up every now and again. It really hurts. All, apparently, because of one missed conversation at a crucial time. Why is he doing this? And why now, when we have no communication as it is? Is he trying to rub it in my face?

- B.B. - 03-24-2014 11:35 AM

GET OVER IT!!!! Let it go, if u two are not together then let it go, Move on, and if this is your response to him blocking you, maybe thats why he did it. (think about it)
U need to find you soemone and go on about your bizzness Kiss Kiss

- william S - 03-24-2014 11:40 AM

Maybe he is back in Jail ?

- Redeemer - 03-24-2014 11:44 AM

He prolly didn't block you but rather blocked those that aren't his friends already. You would have to add him to see his profile again, but he prolly won't accept you. Forget Facebook, just talk to him in real life.