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I knew my school's Wi-Fi code? - Printable Version

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I knew my school's Wi-Fi code? - Anthony - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

I'm in 9th grade now, and about a year ago, a sub was having trouble logging in to one of the school computers. She then asked who knew a lot about technology/computers, and I raised my hand. So long story short, she entered the password in the username box, and I saw it, because she wanted me to try. I entered it correctly, and it worked. I REALLY wanted to forget it, but actually, the more I tried to forget it, the more I remembered it. Now, skip ahead about a year...high school. I was working on a TV Production Project, and someone in my group needed his laptop to download something? (can't remember exactly what it was, but it was school related), and I told him that I would enter the login info for him, but he wouldn't tell ANYBODY, and I would forget the network immediately. He agreed. So, everything's okay for a while, until we have lunch. He told everyone at the table that I knew the wi-fi code. People kept bugging me, for months, until I finally couldn't take it anymore. They were testing me by saying, "oh, there's no way he knows it!"...I finally gave in and they saw what I entered, and they took it out of my hand before I could forget the network on their device, and told SO MANY PEOPLE, and eventually the whole school knew it. Jump ahead again to midterms...(sorry for the long story, this is my first post!). The vice principal starts "hearing my name", and kids are coming to me, and telling me what they've been hearing. So, I go to "turn myself in", which I think in the long run, was probably the best choice. Again, long story short, after meeting with the vice principal, with a teacher there to give me "moral support", he said that he was going to look to see how many people were on the wi-fi, and talk to me after midterms. The question is: WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN TO ME? Let me first say this...I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO HISTORY OF DOING ANYTHING BAD, EVER. I AM ALWAYS HONEST, AND I WOULD BE DEVASTATED IF I GOT SUSPENDED. I would just like an opinion, with someone knowing the whole story, but not really knowing me...a NEUTRAL opinion. Thank you all in advance, and I'm still not quite sure how this whole system works, so any suggestions/ideas would be great!
Also, they gave me this whole speech, and how they were going to give the students chromebooks, but they couldn't give us that freedom with this "incident". They took this very seriously, and in my opinion, they overreacted.
And they said they "blocked our MAC addresses", but everyone, including me, thinks they just changed the password.

- Pedro - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

Relax dude, we all knew my high schools wifi code. All theyll do is change the password.

- john - 03-24-2014 11:38 AM

Honestly no one cares, everyone knows the code too because i took a picture of the code and posted it on instagram no one cares, they didnt even change it.

- squarehall848 - 03-24-2014 11:40 AM

Schools fault. As soon as they knew the password was compromised it should have been changed. The teacher should have notified the office to change it the same day.
Schools should change their passwords weekly at least. Making you the fall guy when they don't do their job is ridiculous.