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Which social science is for me? - Printable Version

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Which social science is for me? - robertmartin11141 - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

I am having some trouble selecting a major. I am thinking majoring in a social science, however. I want to select the one that is most like philosophy (makes use of logic/analytical thinking) and uses the least of science (solely scientific method, learning of facts as opposed to argument and theory). Also, I want to choose an area that will enable me to get a broad range of jobs (that relate to my major!!!) and will enable me to make a fairly decent salary.

- dvd_clapp - 03-24-2014 11:36 AM

Have you considered sociology? Sociology is the study of society and human social action, and is highly relevant in today's world because it is the study of living cultures, not dead ones that a field like anthropology would study. Another good one would be economics or even political science. Someone who studies sociology and economics or poli sci could eventually works as some kind of analyst, be it political or economic. Economists sometimes work in places such as major banks, and sometimes even Wall St. and make a lot of money. Furthermore, were you to study sociology along with economics/poli sci, you could write articles pertaining to one of your fields of choice. One of my professors this semester, for instance, teaches, writes articles for the NY times about instances of social interaction in the market place (and has been doing this since he was pursuing his master's), and is a consultant for Wall St. He was a Sociology and Economics double-major for his undergrad, and then got an MS in...I think public administration before getting his Ph.D. in Socioeconomic studies. Social science is a great field to get into, but most of them require a graduate degree before one can get a real job using it. I'm a psychology and human services double-major with a minor in sociology, and I hope to get into social work and/or teaching one day. Good luck! : )