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Does my boyfriend have the right tp be mad? - Printable Version

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- Chris L - 03-24-2014 11:32 AM

no he doesn't have the right to be mad. Why didn't he just reactivate is account? Who does he not want seeing that he's dating you?

- OCal - 03-24-2014 11:35 AM

He's mad about facebook?? Wow, what a girl! Lol. Sorry!

- justme - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

he has no right to be mad and he has no right to make tell you to delete it and you don't need to put all your picture out there all the time a relationship is of 2 not of all your friends on facebook


- Veronica - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

Yes get the facebook up again put mad photos of you and him talk about him for about a month and delete ur fb relationships you need to make them happy he doesn't know how you think so he don't know I went thro the same situation so just make them happy and you should be happy he's like that and deleted his instead of trying to hide it because that is the worse pain

- Black_Blue - 03-24-2014 12:00 PM

Dont re open your facebook account just to make him happy. Tell him you delted it cause u felt like it. If hes so mad about it why doesnt he just relist his? Tell him that people should knoe your together without having to show pictures and comment on things. I dont like it when couples post pictures of kissing or something stupid like that. I dont have a facebook and neither doesmy bf but he doesnt care.

- Faith - 03-24-2014 12:01 PM

|NO! if anything you do... Seems like theirs some trust issues

- babycakes - 03-24-2014 12:10 PM

No, he doesn't have right to be mad at you for that silly thing. Tell him to activate his fb first!!!

- EB16 - 03-24-2014 12:16 PM

Ok, sounds like this guy has some insecurities. He's jealous of you! and btw its YOUR Facebook and you have it there to connect with your friends and family. At least thats how I would look at it. If he has a problem with that then he's gonna have to stop being childish and put on his big boy pants because you don't have your Facebook there for him. It's for you. Why did he even delete his fb? who does that because their in a relationship? makes no sense to me.. and if you don't want to put "in a relationship" on yours then thats your choice. Stick to your guns girl if you said you don't want your personal business on fb than you don't want it there. You go ahead and reactivate it because you want it. Do what you want with your fb, if it was me i'd do what i want with my fb. If HE wants everybody to know, and put up all kinds of pics then tell him to reactivate his and do it.