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I think I'm being stalked? - Printable Version

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I think I'm being stalked? - joker - 03-24-2014 11:29 AM

yeah this guy from florida is stalking me through yahoo comments. It originally started when I commented on a post and I thought nothing of it because it was just our individual opinion about an X-men movie coming out. But when I made a seperate post on an article about Justin Beiber, this guy came and apparently followed me just so he could correct me. So I am guessing he has my profile bookmarked so he can follow my posts. I have reported him twice to Yahoo. And when I told him I know he is stalking me through my posts he made fun of me. Is there a way to block him from seeing what I post in order to curb his behavior?
Should have known I was going to be trolled by 12 year olds....And Jacob if gay people are a trouble for you then maybe you better not be on the internet. As cyberstalking is against the law now.

- Sabina - 03-24-2014 11:31 AM


- Jacob - 03-24-2014 11:40 AM

are you gay bro?

- RaNdOm - 03-24-2014 11:43 AM

Hi, I have been a white hat for about 4 years, if you want to be protected from this person, this is what youi have to do...

First, remove all personal information on social media websites, including address, phone numbers, ect...
After that, check your internet data to see if anyone has sent any malicious, corrupted packets to prevent you from doing certain things (highly unlikley he has done this). After doing these things, to keep him from tracking you down specifically, you have to hide your ip... You can do this by getting a virtual private tunnel. The one I recommend is called Privatetunnel: This way if he tracks you down by ip, which by the way is easily obtainable, he will know your address, and will be able to cross search you that way to find every little detail about you. Don't use a proxy, they are not reliable. So if he does obtain your ip address while you are connected, when he tracks it, you will look like you are in a different country or state, and will be hidden from him. And if you want to be even more secure, then remove your social media accounts. And try not do use your real name on the internet, he might have a malicious keylogger on you. I would recommend changing your ip as well, he can easily do a java drive by or a distributed denial of service attack on you if he already has your ip. Also, privatetunnel is very cheap for what it is.

- lyndaxxx - 03-24-2014 11:45 AM¬if_t=like&ref=m_notif