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Anyone else feeling turned off by our social media centered culture? - Printable Version

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Anyone else feeling turned off by our social media centered culture? - Drivenbydesire - 03-24-2014 11:30 AM

While I find that social media is amazing when used in moderation, I think it's sad to notice how disconnected a lot of people are. I closed my Facebook account 2 months ago and I can honestly say, it felt great. The other night I went out with my gf's and started talking with a nice guy. At the end of the night, he asked for my # and asked me if I was on Facebook. When I told him I wasn't, he had a puzzled look on his face and asked me what was wrong with me. I told him it'd be better if we got to know each other in person rather than just checking our Facebook page. He took me up on that offer and our relationship ( we've been dating for a month now) is technology free and feels very real. What are your thoughts on social media? The way most people use it personally turns me off.

- Bookworm - 03-24-2014 11:35 AM

Yes I agree with you. I think it is fine in moderation but too much of it turn me off. It seems to me that people are not connected as they used to be. I think it is sad.

- duruga elf - 03-24-2014 11:38 AM

I knew it was bullshlt from the beginning, seemed like more of a popularity contest and reminded me of the pettiness of highschool. Never even started an account.

- Debonair Bound - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

My thoughts are this, social media can be used by some folks as communicating in impersonal ways. I personally have one friend who would rather text, then pick up the phone and actually have a real conversation. My friend does this to my other friends too and I'm not alone with the feeling of irritation. There are a lot of times, I simply cannot text, but could talk. Web social media allows the same kind of impersonal communication also. Especially if it is the only communication one receives from certain folks. Reading something on FB, leaves a really different feeling, impression, then it is to hear someone's voice. It's just that some folks get to involved with it, getting away from personal and leaving an impression of impersonal. I'm at FB because of long distance family and some long distance friends, however, I feel like you do about how it's used by some folks too.