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Does anyone know how to comment on their own question? - Printable Version

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Does anyone know how to comment on their own question? - Bob - 03-24-2014 11:30 AM

I've been looking at questions like this but they say the pencil thing and I see no pencil. I'm currently using safari for this and I need help

- SCT Henry - 03-24-2014 11:31 AM

With some browsers and mobile devices, you must switch to Desktop mode to edit. As to commenting, You don't directly. YA is not a chat room or Facebook. YA is for Q&A, not conversation. You have two options:

1. E-mail or IM the user through their profile, if they allow communication.

2. Wait until you pick the BA and add comments for each user. Probably only the Best Answerer will see it since they only get a notification.

The ONLY exception is that you can add additional details to your question (little pencil icon on question toolbar) for clarification of the question for future responders. Do not call users by name doing this or it will be deemed chat. There is no notification, so nobody will probably see it.

- 5.0 - 03-24-2014 11:37 AM

no because you're not supposed to "comment" unless you choose a BA

- Chetak. - 03-24-2014 11:43 AM

You can only do that on open questions and at the top right click Edit above what you have written

- Daniel - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

You Can Not Comment Unless Your Question is Resolved you have 2 Options

Edit your Question you Should See Edit To The Right of your Question Box Than Click on it Than Put your Comments Under Add Additional Details

Or Go To There Answers Profile See if They Allow Email if They Do you Can Email Them

- zirp - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

You don't

edit and add details is for clarifying the original question (like adding info crucial for a good answer) only