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Why is my Facebook profile picture pixelated? - Printable Version

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Why is my Facebook profile picture pixelated? - hugewood689 - 03-24-2014 11:30 AM

Im trying to upload a photo on facebook to make it my profile picture.... i tried all shapes and sizes!!! but no matter what, its always pixelated on my profile. Its fuzzy and unclear - a very nice photo but this ruins it so much and it looks horrible! When i open the photo its fine, but just on my profile its REALLY messed up. WHAT CAN I DO TO FIX THIS AND WHY IS IT HAPPENING??? thank you so much

- jawed - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

Problem on the photo.

- Cry Baby Obama - 03-24-2014 11:42 AM

Use your newest picture as your Facebook profile picture.
Flag this photo

A social media website, Facebook offers a way for friends, family and colleagues to keep up to date with one another through status updates, messages and picturing sharing. To set up your Facebook page, a usual first step is to select a profile picture. This is the picture people see when you comment on their page or share any other information. You may want to change this photo often to reflect recent events, or keep a favorite there permanently.

Difficulty:Moderately EasyInstructions
Change Profile Picture
Sign into your Facebook account.

Click on "Profile" in the upper, right-hand corner of your screen to go to your profile rather than your home page.

Put your mouse over the upper, right-hand corner of your current profile picture and click on the pencil that appears next to "Change Picture."

Click "Browse" to find the picture on your computer that you want to upload.

Choose the photo you want and click "Open."

Check the box that confirms you have the right to use the picture and that it is not inappropriate.

Click "Upload picture."

Edit Profile Picture
Sign into Facebook.

Click on "Profile" to go to your profile page.

Move your mouse over the upper, right-hand corner of your profile picture and click "Change picture."

Choose "Edit Thumbnail."

Click on the picture that appears in the "Edit Thumbnail" box with your mouse. Move it while holding down the left mouse button until it shows the part of the picture you want in your profile, then click "Save."

Read more: How to Edit Your Profile Picture on Facebook |