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How to get over someone like now !? - Printable Version

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How to get over someone like now !? - Katherine - 03-24-2014 11:30 AM

this will be quite long sorry but yeah , Im 18 years old when I was 14 I had my first love and we went out for over a year but for the last 10 months he abused me physically and we split ages ago but over the past year after that I was really cautious of boys especially since I was young and still now and I knew it wasn't wise to settle down at a young age , but September last year i met this guy I will just say his name was Joe , now the thing about Joe is he smokes a lot of pot dropped out at year 11 and is very immature and he is always causing fights and nobody really likes him , anyway me and Joe started hanging a lot just talking at the beach driving around then it started getting closer him and I just a few cute little kisses and then it happened . I could feel myself falling for him and I didn't want that because of my previous ex , months past we had an on again off again thing after a while I started falling in love with him ( yeah that quickly I know I was just a stupid teenager I guess ) but we would always fight which was the main problem but anyway Joe then started hanging out with this new kid called " Sam " now Sam is like facebook famous because he looks like one of those emo kids on tumblr and he plays around with a lot of girls hearts as soon as he came into the picture Joe started to change and push me away more I mean he was like this before I knew from the start he wasn't good for me and everyone said I could do better but yeah I always stuck by him but our fights became more huge and we would always be on again off again then after a while he didn't seem to care , I found out a month ago I am pregnant to his kid and when i tried telling Joe his mate Sam twisted the truth and said It wasn't his kid , so Then Joe went to ignoring me full stop and not supporting me through this and what makes it worse is Sam totally changed him . But what is also worse is that around december last year i found a love letter to Joe from a girl who is in love with him , Joe said there was nothing going on between them but since he has been ignoring me the girl admitted through the whole relationship with me and Joe she used to come around to his house and do stuff with him and Joe told her he loved her ..... and now admitted in a 5 min convo last week he was still in love with me now he has a new girlfriend as off yesterday and she is actually one of my work mates and he says he is happy with her and everything . Im still carrying his child and planning to have an abortion ( which is wrong but yeah .. ) I feel so hurt I know everybody hurts but I really needs some advice to get over him .. like now I know he wasn't good for me and I know how horrible he is but I still love him and It hurts seeing him Happy with someone else after he ditched and betrayed me like this Sad please help :"(

- Missa ❤ - 03-24-2014 11:31 AM

if he loves both of you then he wont work out, i fell so sorry for you i really upset that a guy would do this to you and not help you ie surport you. hes a dick dont ever go back to him! try listening to your fav songs and going out for longs runs it helps clear your mind and is really good and u get a good work out, this is what i did to get over my ex. i know your feeling really hurt right now, but dont let one guy ruin your life theres a better guy out there for you who will love you for you amd would never leave you. go out with some friends and have fun! have party and go out shopping, do your fav hobbies and keep yourself busy! goodluck Smile stay strong <3