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Will Christ's second coming be shared online-- by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube? - Printable Version

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Will Christ's second coming be shared online-- by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube? - Bin2 - 03-24-2014 11:31 AM

The scriptures: Mark 13:25-26 says ''And THE STARS of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.''

To the best of my knowledge, the stars of heaven referred to here include among others satellites(artificial stars)--some of which help us to use the internet.

Now, if the internet satellites have fallen from the skies, how then can we access our twitter, facebook, youtube, google accounts to go on and post Christ's second coming?

- 018 - 03-24-2014 11:38 AM

This question assumes he had a first coming. At the very least, it assumes that he was anything other than a mortal human male.

All history really tells us about Jesus is that he inspired a lot of people. I personally believe that the stories that followed are exemplary of human beings creating myths to manipulate and control people.

If the stories were true, and if he did come back. I'd guess that nobody would believe he was Jesus anyway. Unless he performed some kind of supernatural magic trick to prove it was him.

- jotacar - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

Well, no. The original Jesus Christ appears to have been a religious psychotic
who caused enough trouble for the authorities that they executed him.

He got enough good press over the next few centuries, that his followers were
successful in selling him to the great unwashed public as a deity.

In fact, he was an ordinary carpenter with considerable charisma.

He did not survive his execution. He did not ascend to a heaven - which did not
exist. He is not scheduled to make a return trip. Dead people don't do that,
you know.

Now, stop spreading this ancient silliness, and behave yourself.

- 702 - 03-24-2014 11:57 AM

Everyone will see Him personally. He is going to gather the survivors from the great tribulation together into two groups. One group isn't going to be happy about what will be going on. The other group will be absolutely thrilled.

- 765 - 03-24-2014 12:07 PM

Oh yeah.

- TraceA - 03-24-2014 12:09 PM

Christ said His 'appearing' (Parousia) would happen to those standing in front of Him, and within a generation.

The 'stars' along with sun and moon are used in the Old Testament to reference rulers and powers on earth. (Joseph's dream in Genesis is one instance) When John wrote Revelation, he borrowed this imagery to communicate to his audience (the 7 churches in Asia) the fall of present government on earth in the first century.

Revelation is a highly symbolic letter written in apocalyptic style, and it was understood by the first recipients just as we understand our newspapers today. When we try to interpret it 20 centuries later through today's modern filter, everything gets misconstrued. The end of the world we think this is describing is actually the end of the Jewish age (old 'heavens & earth'/Temple righteousness) that first century people witnessed.

So the stars already fell, and the moon already turned to blood, when Jerusalem was destroyed and the Old Covenant world disintegrated. This all happened during the Roman Jewish War from AD 66-70.