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What might happen to stock market indexes and why? - Printable Version

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What might happen to stock market indexes and why? - Paul B - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

cause of the social sercurity reform

- KevinStud99 - 03-24-2014 11:38 AM

There is not going to be any social security reform, quit daydreaming.

- Frank W - 03-24-2014 11:44 AM

Stock market indexes could well drop

As the result of reverse international Privatisation (transfer of equitable interests in property)

If the various Nations taxpayers, demanded (Democratically) the reasonable rights and expectations of any investor in property with the return of their alienated "interests and rights"-

Including the reasonable expectation that at some point in the future the property could be paid off- whereas the current Corporate Republic type takeover of those properties ensures that you pay for a "service" instead of reasonable costs associated with simply getting benefit from your property which you invested in.

In short when we are able to burst the fraudulent bubbles of "Very Organized Crime" Creative fraudulent accounting "that lacks ethic"

The drop would be resultant from a reduction of the presumed equitable base for trading

Bring it on!!!

- Meg - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

Depend on what form the "reform takes". If the government borrows the money to make up for the lost revenue as social security taxes are diverted to the capital markets, the net effect on money inflows will be zero, so in the short run not much will change but the national debt and interest payment will rise over time. If the government raises taxes to cover the short fall it will increase the the inflow into the capital markets, but may slow the economy. I think the reason wall street likes the idea is not that it will raise the price of stocks but it will increase their income from commissions.