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Is This Girl Just Immature? - Printable Version

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Is This Girl Just Immature? - radius - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

I am sure she liked me 2 years ago when we worked together but I did not make a move and she got a boyfriend. When I see her she puts her head down or acts like she didn't see me unless I speak to her.

She follows me on instagram and usually likes my pictures. I noticed last week she liked my pictures with just me but did not like the pic I posted with me and a girl.

I saw her working at her new job And she spoke to my dad but when I said hi she looked down. I text her happy birthday and she never replied.

- Abdul - 03-24-2014 11:35 AM

she is a gone case man.

- bolly - 03-24-2014 11:40 AM

Funny animals are girl's Radius why not quietly and nicely ask her out she will just say yes or no but by the way you are talking she is bound to say yes get cracking slow coach.