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I'm just very confused about what to do in college? - Printable Version

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I'm just very confused about what to do in college? - Bobby - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

I have no idea what I wanna become I had good grades in high school finished with a 3.5 and now I'm in college 2nd semester at a3.74 and I'm stressing I don't know what to do anymore I have no idea what going on in my classes nor am I learning anything tutoring isn't helping and I'm thinking of dropping out but don't know any other options other then a low pay rate job I'm good with my hands and a very hands on person

- me - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

I would think about what you want to do for a profession. What do you like doing in your spare time. Is there a job similar to that? If there is, take classes and choose a major that will get you that job. Do you like sketching and building things - Architecuture, do you like number, money - finance, accounting, are you a social person that makes relationship easily - Public Relations, do you like watching commercials and thinking aobut better ways of selling something - Marketing, do you like math, science - Sciences, etc. If you are taking a lot of diverse classes in college, I think something will appeal to you.

The way I decided to be an accountant is when I took an accounting class in HS. It was math but not hard math, and the rules were interesting to me and I could see a point to it in real life. Accounting is a profession that is always necessary, its relatively easy, and you can make good money relatively quickly (can get to $100K/yr by they time your have 5 yrs experience in the profession).

Good luck