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WTF! Facebook and Google +? - Printable Version

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WTF! Facebook and Google +? - Mike - 03-24-2014 11:34 AM

So past week on Facebook and google plus Ive noticed 2 things

First on Facebook every day my computer tries to download files when Im on it, they range from few KB's to 2GB's. The 2GB file was being downloaded without me being informed but the smaller files would show up in my downloads.

As for google plus I couldnt sleep and read the terms and conditions and its saying by agreeing to the t&c's Im letting them know my location, contacts details (so like my grandmothers details on my phone are being given in even though she has never even used a computer) allowing them to use my camera and mic and lot more weird stuff.

Am I the only one who thinks these major social networks are pushing stuff to far ? Like why does google need to use/know any of that ? and whats the 2GB file Facebook was giving me ?

So give me your opinions and ideas and Im gonna go delete and google + Smile

- most - 03-24-2014 11:34 AM

Someone has hacked Into your computer systeam

- Mark J - 03-24-2014 11:37 AM

If Facebook is giving you a 2GB download, it means you have a Virus or Spyware. FB doesn't push any downloads on you. Some Facebook apps carry viruses. I have stayed away from FB apps for years because of this, Most FB apps aren't from FB but from 3rd party developers.

- Rick - 03-24-2014 11:42 AM

sounds like someone has control over your computer and is using it to store pirated material such as movies.

- smash - 03-24-2014 11:42 AM

All I know is Facebook is fuc*ked up right now and you is right they do not need to know all of that stuff the other people is right about them apps on Facebook that is how my coupter gat hacked so do not download them apps

best answer please