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Should I message him on facebook? Please help? - Printable Version

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Should I message him on facebook? Please help? - Memo - 03-24-2014 11:34 AM

OK there's this guy in one of my classes, (at my school we have 2- year long classes, he is in one of them)
We have NEVER talked, ok but the other day we went to put books up, he was behind me he stared at me as I put the book up and turned and walked passed him, he's still staring and he smirks, turned around to continue staring at me and smiled then I sat down and looked back up at him to see him still looking at me then he looked away I was too afraid to look at him again after this.

The next day after that happened, I looked up and so did he and we both looked at each other and he looked away first, and after the class was over it was me and my friend we was talking and him and like 2 other people left in the room he walks out in front of me and looks back at me when I look at him he looked away ?

Today I swear when I walked in he said "hey how are you doing?" I was the only one there but I don't know if it was to me or one if his friends because I was afraid to look at him and I acted like I didn't hear it, :/

I don't know if he likes me he seems kinda shy, We never talked before like we have just looked at each other. I added him on facebook and he accepted the request, but I'm scared to message him because I'm afraid It'll creep him out, but like wise, I am scared to talk to him in person, at least at first. I am very shy. My cousin said I should try messaging him she does that and seems to work out well for her but I dunno. I just don't want to look like a creepy idiot. I don't have the best of luck with guys, my close friend, Toby told me I should give it a go, I asked him because he's a guy and I thought a males perspective would help.

- Brenda Fleming - 03-24-2014 11:36 AM

give it s try

- RJ - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

I'm a guy and if I was you I would message him. Obviously, he's just as shy as you are. He likes you, but he's afraid you won't feel the same. Just give it a shot!!!Smile

- ? - 03-24-2014 11:48 AM

He likes you! So cute! Message him! That's how my sister and her boyfriend started talking. He always stared at her and she looked and he looked away. He was shy too! So she messaged him and now in person they talk and their dating now! Give it a go! But be careful! Don't be weird! Just be like "Hey" or "what's up?" Have fun! Good luck!