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I have to make a movie, the theme is "ME". I don't know what to do! HELP!? - Printable Version

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I have to make a movie, the theme is "ME". I don't know what to do! HELP!? - Christina G. A. - 03-24-2014 11:34 AM

Today I have to make a short movie and the theme is "Me". I have no idea what to do. It could be something funny or serious. Please share your ideas! Any kind of idea or advice means everything. Please!! Smile

- Julie - 03-24-2014 11:43 AM

Well, you could intentionally misread the theme of 'Me' as M.E and do a serious study of that syndrome...or you could do something about the different facets of who you are - a bit like a cube that shows one face (part) at a time, you have a social media 'face', a family 'face', etc. You could highlight the similarities and the differences Hope that helps!!