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i need delete my facebook account now.? - Printable Version

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i need delete my facebook account now.? - My Cute baby wattey. - 03-24-2014 11:37 AM

i will sigh up a new facebook account soon.

- Sets - 03-24-2014 11:42 AM

To deactivate your account you must click on the small triangle at the top right hand corner of the page and then select the option that says “Account Settings.”

Once you have done that, in the left hand menu, click on the Security option, which is the one indicated in the next image:

Then, near the bottom of the screen, click on the “Deactivate your account” link:

To complete the deactivation you will have to choose your reason for leaving from a list of options and then click on the Confirm button. This will open a pop up box asking for your password: Enter it and click on the Confirm button. Finally, you will be asked to read a captcha text and enter it. Do so and click on the Submit button. This will lead you to Facebook's home page, where you will see a message confirming that your account has been deactivated.

Permanently deleting your account

Facebook also offers an option for those who want their account deleted with no chance of recovery. This option is only accessible in this link, which is provided in the Facebook Help Center when you type “delete my account” in its search box.

Once you have opened the page of that link, you must click on the Submit button and then, on a pop up box, you must enter your account password and a captcha text. Once you are done with that, click Okay. Facebook will ask you to confirm the action, so you will have to click on an Okay button again.

To finish this process you must avoid logging in to your account during the next 14 days. After that period of time, your information will be no longer available, never again.

- CHES - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

You cannot delete a Facebook account but you can have it deactivated..

Click on the drop-down arrow beside Home (top right of the page).. choose Account Settings.. then Security.. then click Deactivate your account.

- Rom Cartridge - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

This guide will show you how to delete your account on Facebook:

Good luck!

- Rica - 03-24-2014 11:53 AM

delete now