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Facebook ethics.. Is it pity to unfriend an ex on facebook after he broke up with you? - Printable Version

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Facebook ethics.. Is it pity to unfriend an ex on facebook after he broke up with you? - Paris - 03-24-2014 11:38 AM

Our break up was very painful for me because he dumped me after 2 years having a great relationship, giving no specific reason. I'm still feeling very hurt for not knowing what happened and why he turned to be totally different person than i known. We are still friends on facebook, have a lot of mutual friends as well. but having him there seeing him all happy chi chatting, liking, commenting on all our mutual girlfriends hurts me so much.. i dont want to act irrational and show him that im very hurt. but need some advice on how to handle this right now. He has also been chatting and commenting with an a ex-friend of mine recently..a friend who back stabbed me and he knew it all about it..please tell me what do do? i dont want to make myself look immature either.. NEED YOUR HELP.

- snowglobe380 - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

If you believe there is no chance of maintaining any connection with him after- in terms of acquaintance or friendship I would delete him. It doesn't matter what your reasons are, you have the right to choose what you would like to do. What people think should not be an issue.
People at times clean up or delete their contact list if they don't keep in touch with certain people. I would also delete the ex friend and others you want to delete to clean up your contacts.
Good luck and know there is someone else out there.

- Schuyler - 03-24-2014 11:54 AM

The best solution for you right now is to stop all contact with him, by all means delete him, and for your own sake stay off FB for a few months at least.

- Ethan - 03-24-2014 11:57 AM

Sometimes I remove my exes but sometimes I don't. If you really can't trust them, just unfriend them and block them if you need to

- G - 03-24-2014 12:00 PM

Paris, either unfriend him so you don't see it on your newsfeed, block him so you don't see him at all, or suck it up and realize you're still on the same planet and you'll inevitably see him anyway. Asking the same question multiple times doesn't change the facts: This isn't about etiquette but your heartbreak. Work on finding ways to minimize the effect his life has on you so you can move on without him.