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Relationship help!!!? - Amanda - 03-24-2014 11:39 AM

ok, im not one to need advice nor help in my relationship because i know what i'm doing and i know how to react to most situations but now i'm just stuck. i've basically been in this very long, almost 5 year relationship with my "boyfriend" .. technically we're not together because it's always complicated and of course TRUST ISSUES! over the years, cheating on his behalf was always an issue, and yes i stayed. whatever anyways, i feel like i'm out of options right now because just yesterday i was on his phone, on twitter and i looked through his inbox and nothing was fishy.. everything was fine but when i went through his email i saw messages between him and a girl i know.. the conversation wasn't really a big deal but the point is.. if it wasn't such a big deal why would you have deleted it from your inbox to begin with? i asked him about it and first he lied about it, i told him there was no point in lying and then he confessed.. So now, you deleted the messages, lied about it, and if it wasn't a big deal WHYYY DELETE IT?? turned into a huge argument and I'm just so sick of the lies and stuff. i obviously don't trust him.. what should i do/say? i really want to take a real break and just kinda go our own ways so maybe he can just do whatever he wants and see what he wants because to be honest i dont even think its worth it anymore.

- Umair - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

He betrayed u,U shud breakup with him.

- Poo - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

Well it could be something else, you never know. And if you don't trust him why be with him? trust is the main thing about an relationship. Its your decision you think what's right.

- Haley - 03-24-2014 11:54 AM

I am almost in the same situation, except my boyfriend and I have only been together for about 8 months. If he is acting suspicious and fishy, my personal opinion is that you should leave him. Especially if he has cheated numerous times in the past. You deserve a lot better, you deserve someone who will be faithful to you. Someone who you don't even have to suspect is cheating. I know it's really hard to leave someone sometimes. I suggest you move on and date other people, you will realize there are a lot better guys out there. I wish you luck, girl. (:

- Nathan - 03-24-2014 11:56 AM

You've just answered your own question? " i obviously don't trust him.."

If you don't trust him and are going through his phone to find messages, then it's clear you shouldn't be with it at all. You asked him about it? He lied? He's not trust worth then and if he's cheated before who's saying he's not doing it now? He's deleting the messages? Normally a fishy start when there's no messages in his phone...

Just use your head and think what is better for yourself. Do you wanna keep getting hurt all the time?
Good luck.

- C - 03-24-2014 12:00 PM

By you staying you allowed his behavior to keep manifesting itself. Bu staying you are telling him that its ok for him to keep seeking his desires everywhere but with you. This would technically be cheating. You shouldnt have to snoop around in a relationship. If you dont have trust than you dont have anything. You shouldnt be hovering over him and correcting him as if you are his mother. He is immature. And oh lets not even talk about the lying! Lying is disrespectful and basically that tells you that he doesnt think you are worthy to be told the truth and its an insult to your intelligence. Its not your responsibility to make it confortable for him to tell the truth. That should be the absolute minimum based on his character. Him lying and cheating has nothing to do with you more than it has to do with his character. You cant change what he does but you can change what you accept. You get what you accept. You needed to establish boundaries and left a long time ago. There is no giving him a break. You need to leave for good unless you want to totally have your self esteem obliterated and waste time on something that is dead and wont ever grow or be what you had hoped for it to be.