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I like a girl who i like 2 years ago again, last time i got friend zoned, is there any point of trying again? - Printable Version

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I like a girl who i like 2 years ago again, last time i got friend zoned, is there any point of trying again? - Grepling - 03-24-2014 11:40 AM

So, about 2 years ago I was speaking to a girl i liked. I told her i liked her but i got friend I haven't spoke to her since and now i am in sixth form i see her everyday and it brings back all the feelings. i have wanted to start speaking to her but i am too shy and shes surrounded by her friends. also she is a year older than me and I don't want to speak to her because i feel i will look like a noob. she is also well respected by almost everyone. is there a possibility i could still be friend zoned? or because i haven't spoke to her for a long time she might have forgotten about me. im too shy to say hi in person and on facebook, im scared she might tell me to f off.

- Obi Wan Knievel - 03-24-2014 11:45 AM

Ah yes... the friend zone. That dreaded place where no guy wants to be. Been there done that.

Let me tell you a few things about this zone that you probably haven't thought of. True, guys in the friend zone don't get to see the boobies very much. But really (and I can't believe I'm saying this), there is more going on than just the boobies. Don't get me wrong, boobies are good. But there's more.

In the dreaded friend zone, you get a backstage pass to places that most guys don't get to go. You get to learn how this girl's mind works. You get to hear stuff only true friends are allowed to hear, things even a boyfriend doesn't get to know about. You get to see the girl behind the appearance, know how she thinks and what she really likes and dislikes in a person. You might not get to see the boobies, but you will get to find out what her boobies are attracted to and what really matters to the owner of those boobies.

Is any of this filtering through here? Are you seeing the bigger picture yet? Doing your time in the friend zone (also called the no-boobies zone) can actually work in your favour, but only if you want this girl for more than just her amazing boobies. If this is making sense to you, now you know why they say to look at the big picture.

If all you want is the boobies, walk away and cut your losses. But if you want the boobies and the girl they belong to, now you know.

- Bien - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

Maybe she's waiting for you to approach her. Well according to all love story movies I watched (some based on true events) So dont be afraid to approach her.. Try and try until you succeed. Big Grin