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i feel fat and disgusted in myself? - Printable Version

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i feel fat and disgusted in myself? - Kimmy - 03-24-2014 11:40 AM

im 19 , i weight 81 kgs , at 170 cm tall . i dont look fat or whatever cause im tall and it just goes to my butt or boobs but i hate stomach i waant it to be flat like it used to be , i dont care about my legs i like then being big its what gives me a big butt ! haha , but i dunno , lately i've been feeling pretty disgusted in myself , im definitely not a ugly girl , but i feel it because of my body i feel like guys are unattracted to me because of this . i hate weighing myself and i avoid it as much as i can .. but i really wanna loost 10 to 15 kgs just so i can be at a healthy weight and not feel so yuck about myself , i used to be a size 8 at 55 kgs , and now im 81 kgs in a size 12 ! eugh , help !? I do eat fast food which i have cut down on alot , and im trying to eat more healthy drinking alot of water , and im planning on joining the gym at my university .. but any good advice will help ! thanks .
I dont have a fat neck or face or whatever so dont make me sound like some obese fat fuuck !! cause im not . im just very curvey , but for my body and BMI i'm counted as being overweight , so i need to loose it so i can be at a healthy weight !!!

- Rami - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

if you want guys then loose the bally and face and neck fat, the rest looks good even wen its fat

- Katherine - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

Clothes sizes and numbers on the scale have little to do with beauty, intelligence or talent in other areas of your life. First of all learn to disconnect from the media message of what you are 'supposed' to look like. Let us rather turn to science and use objective reasoning and logic to solve a problem.

You are 81kgs and 170cm tall. According to a BM scale you are 28. The ideal range is 19-23ish. Technically you have more weight than what is scientifically ideal. However what is your body fat percentage? For example an olympic weightlifter may be WAY over on the BMI scale but they simply are muscular. Go to a sports science or nutritional adviser and get body fat accurately measured. On a rough scale you should weigh between 55-72kg. See how large the range is?

Here's some basic advice:

Cut out all sugar and refined carbs from your diet
Do some high intensity exercise along with muscle building. More muscle you build the more fat you burn.
Avoid diet pills, magazines and tv ads. They make you fat and unhappy.

I can however give you more in-depth advice if you message my facebook page.