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How can I get followers on Tumblr? - Printable Version

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How can I get followers on Tumblr? - conor - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

Hey, so I started a Tumblr account yesterday and I am a little confused, how does one earn followers? I use Twitter and have around 300 followers but on Tumblr.. I have 1, I know I have only just joined but on Twitter I can talk to people and get involved into a conversation. On Tumblr I have followed things that interest me but I have no idea how to earn followers or even get involved with other people chatting etc.. How do I start off?


- Jeannie - 03-24-2014 11:44 AM

Follow me

- Stone - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

Post original content, and tag it so that people can find it.

For instance, my last post was about that dad that refused to take his son to Mcdonalds...
I tagged it Mcdonalds, and bad parenting.

And then I checked out all the posts that people had written using those tags.

Once you have a body of work, you will see people that post similar content liking and reblogging your posts, and occasionally even following you.

Ok... That is how you get legitimate followers... there are ways to get numbers of followers... instantly... but I doubt that any of those will have any interest in your posts... And... I'm not sure whether those fake followers would be a violation of terms...

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 03-24-2014 11:48 AM

okay well tumblr is really different from twitter tbh (i have 2000 followers on twitter and only 98 on tumblr).
here's what you do:
-reblog/like a lot of people's posts (they might follow you after they see you in their notes)
-post a lot of original content and tag it with loads of (relevant) tags
-you can search up "follow for a follow" and follow people who'll follow back
-ask people for follow backs
-share your tumblr on other social media sites
-talk to people, whether its by replying, asking, or reblogging stuff and adding a comment

- Victor - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

Tumblr is a way different from twitter. And the site is more beautiful to look at with different pictures etc., But to start with you have to create your own Tumblr site with promising view. So then, you have to follow every person you like on Tumblr , comment in their post and interact with a different perspective with the different opinion or try to follow people you like most such as movies, funny pictures and scenery.