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Should I just give up my etsy shop? - Printable Version

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Should I just give up my etsy shop? - Miss Tan Designs - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

I have spent all the money I can and don't know what else to do. No one seems interested, not even my own family. I have ran out of money and can't even print my artwork. Should I stick it out? Plus, I twitter, facebook, and blog about my artwork. My shop is Honest feedback would be helpful!
This is just supplemental income and I do have business plan.

- joyous - 03-24-2014 11:42 AM

Well, you did say to be honest, so let's go with a couple of things on your site:

Shoe art isn't exactly the most popular thing in the world, it's probably one of the more niche things you can get into. What exactly did you have in mind for your store to actually make money?

Your designs are very, very basic and not really stylized. It's like you're trying to sell pages out of a sketch notebook while you are going to a fashion school. The art is nice, but what exactly is it you're hoping that someone is coming to your shop for?

You can't just print up a bunch of art and expect it to be your sole source of revenue without a plan. This has to be a hobby to start off with and once you have a loyal fan base/group of customers that know you and trust you, then you can branch it off into something bigger. Fund your company with money from your job and grow it slowly, you can't expect people to just read your twitter, facebook and blog if no one even knows who you are.

Yes, sometimes people will stumble across your site and say "Ooooh" but your MAIN source of income is going to be from people referring you to others they know. I'd say instead of trying to promote it so hard, keep it as a hobby and post up new prints occasionally. Work on your style and form up an actual business plan rather than spending a whole lot of money on prints. Once you sell to one person, 5 people.. it will snowball, trust me. It's always hardest starting it off. Smile

- TRish - 03-24-2014 11:49 AM

I wouldn't give up I know lot's of people who sell on Etsy and it was a long time before they got their first sale.I wouldn't currently suggest using this as your full time income.Do this on the side until sales pick up.It is great work,but it isn't a strong need for it right now.Just continue doing it on the side and slowly but surely build it up.Patience is what you need right now,becuase it will take time.I like your work!

- Sol - 03-24-2014 11:52 AM

I would also agree with the other two feed-backs. But Lets pause and acknowledge what is:

1. You got off your butt and decided to follow your passion. Which is amazing. How many people are there who do not even realize that they can do something different.

2. Instead of giving up you decided to seek guidance, so this is another positive thing to acknowledge. It means that you a highly resourceful person.

4. You have something valuable to offer which enables you to be in touch with your creative spirit. Great that you have vision of work being a time where you can play and have fun and express that through your jewellery.

I understand how you feel. This is how I felt when I created my own website 5 years ago and got no visitors to it and no-one was making any purchase. You kinda want to give up but something inside is not just ready to throw the towel in. Looking back, I am really grateful for my goofy mistakes as how else would I learn. These things do take time but if you continue to persist you will get threw. Successful people are people who have chosen not to give up. Edison who created the light bulb, tried 10,000 times, even then he did not feel like he failed, he basically explored the all the ways on how not to create a light bulb.

“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.” Mary Anne Stomacher

I am still level 1 yahoo member, so copy and paste the links into the browser below. They will help you with with some marketing tips. I hope this helps. Blogging would be good thing. Search Engine Optimize your blog for relevant keywords. Create a Fan/Community page of facebook. Social book mark your link to your store, write articles about jewellery and submit them to article directories an always leave a link to your store so that people can visit it after they have read the article.

This will help with increasing funds to give you more time to work on your business:

Free Report: 10 Deadly Business Mistakes You Should Avoid

Free Article Submitter:

Social Book Marker:

My Twitter Marketing Blog:

As Winston Churchill said:

Never, Never, Never Give up.