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How can I contact adam lambert? - Printable Version

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How can I contact adam lambert? - fancygirl_94 - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

Im a really big fan and I really really want him to know how much I love him!! Please help

- Frank - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

Try Facebook or Twitter.

- Seamonkey - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

mostly all celebrities have twitter and facebook accounts, you can also tweet or message them to see what their fan mail addresses are and they will most likely tell you, that way you can send a letter and a photo for them to sign. you can even send birthday/Christmas cards to them with money in it for their charities, they will appreciate that. but if you do send a photo, get 2 large envelopes one that will be able to fit inside the biggest one, and on the one that fits inside the big one, put you're address on it and have it stamped that way they can mail the signed photo back to you. As for the letter make it short, and sweet (no more than a page and a half) as well as make it unique so that they'll be drawn into reading it. Now sometimes they themselves don't read most of the fan mail they get and have others (like assistants sign them or even agents) and other times they just include a autopen signature (that was done by a computer), the best way to tell if it's real is go have it authenticated. good luck to you, and hope you get to meet him someday. Look and see if he is touring around you're area!

- Susan - 03-24-2014 11:59 AM

Go to Adam Official, you will find an address for fan mail. His twitter is @adamlambert, fans leave him messages there, and he occasionally has twitter parties. He doesn't follow fans on his twitter account.

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