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My mom is being a pain when im on Social Media? - Printable Version

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My mom is being a pain when im on Social Media? - CP - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

I'm not going to explain what i did (if you want to know look through my older questions) but it was bad and i sent a comment to my friend that could count as sexual harassment. Now since May my mom gets super edgy every time i go on ANY sort of social media every time i'm on facebook chatting with my friends guy or girl she says Remember what you did alright just telling you and we get into a heated argument every time she brings it up and it is really irritating me like it's annoying even when i'm just browsing sites like Twitter or she brings it up and i'm starting to get fucking annoyed. Hell one time i fell asleep and she saw my instagram and i Was liking on of my friend's pictures, (she was a girl) and she was like don't make me have to deal with what happened with you again. I was so mad, i know she doesn't want that to happen again but she has forgotten that i don't want it to happen again, I learned from my mistake and i moved on and i'm better from it but she won't let it go and it's starting to be a pain in the ass and she makes me less eager to talk to anybody from the opposite sex. What should i do? How can tell her i'm not happy on how she is treating me? WHAT DO I DO????
PS. Even when i play PSN and Xbox live she knows im playing but she still thinks im up to no good

- Fearlessgate768 - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

My mom use to be like that so one day I told her to shut the f up. I never swore in front of her and since she is super strict and Christian she got the message and never bugged me again. I then told her how hurt I felt when she kept bringing up my mistakes and how she could never support me.

Let your mom know how you feel!