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How can I find out if someone online is fake? - Printable Version

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How can I find out if someone online is fake? - Elana - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

There's this girl and guy who claim to be brother and sister. I legit think both are posers. (Catfish.) I've been looking all morning but I've got nothing. Is there a place I can go to find it? I really need help, thanks.

- Kittysue - 03-24-2014 11:43 AM

You can only find them if their pictures were stolen off a public website
Save the pictures as jpegs then go to
Click on the camera in the search box then Upload an Image then upload one of the images. If that same picture has been posted on any websites, blogs or the Profile page of a public (not private) social networking site, it will show up. However, if the picture is copied off someone's Facebook album or from a private profile, you won't find anything

- Christopher - 03-24-2014 11:52 AM

There is no real way to tell if a person online is real or not. Just try putting their images into google. Talking to their friends online(they could be fake or lying) or trying to contact them by phone.

- just smile - 03-24-2014 11:53 AM

you can search them on internet.. a real search like when a girl is jealous on her bf she does this FBI searching. you do the same.