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how can i stop my mom from seeing posts i like on facebook? - Printable Version

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how can i stop my mom from seeing posts i like on facebook? - Mike - 03-24-2014 11:44 AM

im friends with my mom on facebook, and i want to figure out how i can block her from seeing posts or pictures i like or comment on. Its not because im profane or im trying to hide my life from her but its because she stalks my fb friends and its getting obsessive and kinda weird for me. She always looks at their profiles and in the past she has commented on their posts too saying something nonsensical. She also reads all of these posts and talks to me about them when in reality its not even me. For example if i like a picture of a girl at the beach in a bikini, she can go on a diatribe about how im a pervert or some kind of womanizer. She also lectures me on what other people do and its not even what i do. If i like someones pic and they have a beer in their hands my mom will lecture me on drinking and i dont even drink. Please help me im very patient but this can honestly not go on any longer. Also please dont say "regulate what you like or comment on" because they are my friends and i dont want to have to feel restricted like that. Someone please help me with this. Thanks!!

- Lacey - 03-24-2014 11:54 AM

Put her in a group, and restrict your share settings on your posts. Good luck.

- z32486 - 03-24-2014 12:01 PM

Honestly, it sounds like if you say these things to her she might understand and back off a little? Good luck, and keep up the good sensibilities Smile

- Merlin - 03-24-2014 12:03 PM

Have a talk with her about why and how she is making you uncomfortable, and explain how you have never done anything dishonest or bad, so you should be trusted and given privacy.

- Daniel - 03-24-2014 12:03 PM

Add Her to the Restricted List When you Add Someone to the Restricted List They Wont Be Able to See Any Of your Activity On There News Feed