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How to get more votes or views on Wattpad? - Printable Version

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How to get more votes or views on Wattpad? - becca - 03-24-2014 11:45 AM

I recently started posting for my book on wattpad. I have 7 chapters up, and only 48 views and 11 votes. I really want to get it out there, and I'm broadcasting all over social media and to friends and family and whatnot, but I'm just not getting the views? Here's a link if you want to see:

- Anastasius - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

During the 10 minutes I wasted looking over wattpad, this is what I noticed.

1. Write fellatingly glowing reviews of the top viewed stories (in your genre or not)
2. Link back to your stories and offer reads for reads (mention you and your fans ie sock puppets will also read)
3. Fans of the story (and their sock puppets) you reviewed will check yours out and give you high praise because you like what they like regardless of how good or bad your story is
4. Cultivate a core groups of readers (via an "exclusive blog" to see stuffs in advance!) from them and make many sock accounts to keep the illusion that there are a number of folks excited and interested in your stories.
5. Shamelessly "borrow" real book covers and make them your own and add every possible tag to your story, related or not.
6. Shamelessly "borrow" ideas from the top viewed stories in your genre, characters, dialogue, plot and spam all other writing forums you can (with sock puppets) offering fellatingly appropriate reviews of your work.
7. Sick all your fans and the sock puppet accounts to give abuse, hate and low rating to ANYONE who dares to offer actual criticism of you or call you out on your "borrowing".
8. If your fans turn on you because you are a bad plagiarist or never finish your stories and you can't salvage the situation with your sock puppets: Quit WP in dramatic and climatic fashion.
9. Open up shop again with a new account name.
10. Rinse Repeat 1-9

I wonder how many people are actually going to use this...

- M. Vivian - 03-24-2014 11:59 AM

My advice is just to write a good story. You should earn your reads and votes.

- Katie - 03-24-2014 12:09 PM

The first answer was good.
@Vivian, writing a good story on that site means nothing.