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Do you have to manually add each person when you're inviting them to like your Facebook page? - Printable Version

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Do you have to manually add each person when you're inviting them to like your Facebook page? - Cooriosity05 - 10-15-2012 08:05 PM

So my ex just invited me to like his page for his company. We haven't talked or seen each other for more than a year. Last time we spoke he hinted that he wanted to start things up again but I didn't and we haven't spoken since. The company was something that I was very involved in when we were together and meant alot to me. So I'm just wondering if it means something if he's inviting me to like the page or if it's just some automatic thing where you can send to all your friends with one click?

- Anthony F - 10-15-2012 08:14 PM

It's done manually. Like for example, let's say I want to invite you to my artist page, I search for my list of friends and randomly select you to it. It will let you know that I "invited" you to "like" my page, but you are not obligated to "liking" it.