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Is my friend's boyfriend controlling? - Printable Version

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Is my friend's boyfriend controlling? - Laura - 03-24-2014 11:45 AM

I have this friend I've known for two years and 6 months ago she started going out with this guy. He's 18 and she's 13 (almost 14)! I never met him but when she calls him she puts the speaker on because her phone's sound isn't great. So first, she always has to call him. Sometimes she can't call because she's in class and he'll text her saying 'why aren't you calling me'' Call me!'' She constantly tells him she can't but he gets angry so she has to go to the toilets.He's always jealous. He keeps calling her to check she's not with boys and he thinks she chats with boys on other sites than facebook so he wont see. She would never cheat on him! Because he's 18 he thinks he knows more than her and that he's always right. He's a drop out, he dropped out of school at 15. Also, at his birthday, my friend was supposed to get 75$ from her mum to give him as a present. She thought she was pregnant not long ago (he doesn't want to use a condom) so her mum didn't give her the money for not protecting herself during sex. She called him saying she was so sorry she couldn't give him any money and she loved him. He started shouted at her saying that now he can't buy new clothes because of her.
The other day we were walking and she was talking to him on the phone. I asked her if she could bring money to eat at the restaurant. She said she would ask her mum for money and he heard her. He started saying "Wow! Your mum doesn't give you any money for you boyfriend but she'll give you money to eat with your friend!''
She loves him more than anything in the world so I don't want to hurt her feelings. But I know she won't tell me if he's manipulating her, I understand, i'm just scared for her Sad

- xBangTidy - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

First of all as soon as I read that she's 13 going out with an 18 year old...i knew this wouldnt be good. I'm sure your friend is lovely but she's far too young to be going out with an 18year old. He should know better!!! (Word paedophile almost springs to mind) but anyways.

Yes, he is controlling and she isn't doing herself any favours going out with this guy. It's only going to get worse. She can do so much better and should find someone her own age who won't treat her like a piece of trash. Good luck hun Smile

- K - 03-24-2014 11:49 AM

Oh my gosh! He reminds me so much of my ex-boyfriend. My ex-boyfriend is 26 years older than me and I just turned 23. Your friend is wayyyy too young to be in a relationship period, but especially a controlling relationship. And her boyfriend is a pedophile! He shouldn't be dating a girl that young. You need to call the cops on him and get him arrested. He's going to ruin your friend's self-esteem and make her hate herself. The reason he is so controlling and jealous is because he's most likely cheating on her, probably with multiple people. He NEEDS to wear a condom when they have sex because he could give her STDs or if he gets her pregnant, he'd go to jail for impregnating a minor. Call the cops on him and convince her to break up with him. They don't love each other, she loves the fact that an older boy wants to be with her and he loves the fact that he can manipulate a little girl into doing what he wants.

-edit- I disagree with Hyder. Don't leave her during her time of need. Now is when she needs a friend most. I didn't listen to my friends or family when they told me to leave my ex, but the more you keep telling her to do it, she will eventually give in. Trust me, it works.

- Hyder - 03-24-2014 11:58 AM

1.dont fight with her you will become the bad guy for her

2.pls stay away if you don't like this control on her tell her"you are changed now you are like his puppet and stuff"

3.when with other frnds talk abt her bf,so they all will be like yea baby that guys not nice

4.from what you say the guy looks dangerous if she complains to you of any violence from her boyfriend tell her to breakup or you will leave her