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Ex dumped and blocked me 2weeksago, wants to speak to me again about how i'm "coping"? - Printable Version

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Ex dumped and blocked me 2weeksago, wants to speak to me again about how i'm "coping"? - Mathias...Yes Sirr! - 03-24-2014 11:46 AM

Ok so me and my ex girlfriend had been together for a year before she broke up with me 2 weeks ago. We are both 20, our relationship was extremely serious we both felt like we were soulmates etc we went to Paris after 2 months of our relationship, then Egypt after 4 months. Just to show you how serious we were about eachother.

Anyway things began getting rocky and we began arguing after around 4 months, just over petty small things though, nothing major. The reason why i even mentioned that is because everything had been blissfully perfect before that. We argued every couple of weeks i'd say, nothing major really because every couple argues occasionally, but in the last two months of our relationship she dumped/threatened to dump me on average once a week. No exaggeration literally once a week we would argue over something petty and she would either dump me or threaten to leave me. One time it was because i was late to a meeting with her priest over us becoming celibate. This was a couple months back, we had been having sex prior to this but as she is Catholic she wanted to wait till marriage. I fully supported her and told her i love her and our relationship is worth more than sex so i'm willing to wait for her. I agreed to go and see the Priest who was going to give us advice on how to abstain, i am not even Catholic aswell so in my opinion i was fully commited to being celibate for her. The priest gave us an appointment the next day at 9am i stupidly woke up late and got there 45 mins late. She was already there when i arrived, i ended up still seeing the priest but before i arrived she had already decided to dump me after consulting the priest. When i go there the priest asked her if she had told me and she told me cold heartedly in front of the priest that she was breaking up with me and just left. After begging and pleading with her for a day, she told me how she didn't mean it and she loves me and i'm her best friend etc and we got back together.

Every single time she has broken up with me she has apologized the next day and told me she didn't mean it. One time she said she sometimes breaks up with me to get a reaction from me as i'm too laid back and calm sometimes. After the priest thing we were fine but i just casually asked her why does she break up with me then regret it the next day, expecting stupidly perhaps for her to say sometimes she gets caught up with her emotions or something. She didn't say that she in fact flew of the handle and starting screaming and swearing at me saying i am trying to say she never had a reason to break up with me in regards to the priest thing. When in actuality all i was saying was why does she regret breaking up with me afterwards because its toying with my emotions. Anyway so after that episode our break ups were so frequent i started to think maybe us parting was for the best. As soon as i told her this she changed her tune and told me she loved me and how our relationship is worth fighting for? Which is ironic because she repeatedly gave up on our relationship every time she dumped me.

Fast forward to this situation and she dumped me because she said if i don't earn more than her by the time it's time to get married she will never marry me and leave me. I thought this was shallow and just disagreed, i didn't even get angry or anything even though i did think it was shallow i just was like no i disagree etc. After saying that she wanted to cuddle in bed as normal and i just wasn't in the mood for it, so i just stayed on the other side of the bed. She then got angry and dumped me, saying she doesn't want any contact until Jan 28th which is the end of our christmas holidays. She left, blocked me on messenger and facebook. Took a picture of us down on facebook and blocked my number. It's been two weeks and i have felt a whirlwind of emotions sadness that she blocked me but then also relief because it's for the best.

Anyway so i'm in the process of getting over her and forgetting about her and moving on but her behaviour has changed now. On Christmas eve at midnight when it became christmas day she unblocked me on messenger, usually i send out happy bday/merry christmas at midnight. She unblocked me and when i came online and didn't send her a merry christmas she blocked me again. Next day she unblocked me on facebook, didn't add me or message me but just unblocked me, why i don't know. 2 days after that she now calls me? I don't pick up then she texts me saying she feels ready to talk to me now after the break up and wants to see how i am coping? Why would she do that when 1 she said no contact till Jan 28th, 2 she dumped me so why is she even contacting me. What should i do aswell, i don't see myself responding because i don't even want to speak to her i have exams to focus on and i don't want her back so i'm just going to ignore it, what do you think?

- Billy - 03-24-2014 11:51 AM

He is just being the guy that you remember him as.

- Jessica - 03-24-2014 11:55 AM

What a biatch

- Larry G - 03-24-2014 12:00 PM

simple guy she just finds some guy she wants to have a fling with and puts you on hold for a backup plan . My lifes experience says once they go let em stay gone . So quit your crying and begging and go find somebody that actually wants to be with you unconditionally.

- E - 03-24-2014 12:01 PM

Wow! What drama. You woke up late for the priest appt because you really don't want to be celibate. You guys already had sex? Now she decides she wants to be celebate? Give us all a break here.You enjoyed travelling together because you both like to travel. End of story. You guys broke up a couple or more times already? Are you failing to get the picture?

You will spend your entire life [until you can't take it any longer] apologizing to her and not knowing why. She did you a favor, now move on. Things will never change with her. Forget all that social media BS, tell her your time together is unforgettable [ I didn't say wonderful, I said unforgettable due to the drama the angst etc.] but you are moving on and you want her to do the same WITHOUT STALKING YOU on social media.

Changed her tune? Just long enough to yo yo you back so she can start the drama all over again. She is trouble. She will make your life miserable. If it started out this way it will only get worse.

P.S. Quit the begging and pleading. That is just pathetic.