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Why doesnt anyone compliment me? - Printable Version

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Why doesnt anyone compliment me? - Natalie - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

No one ever compliments me on instagram or anything. I look at other girls photos and people comment saying pretty or beautiful with a heart, and I compliment them too and all they say is thanks but when other people compliment they say look whos talking💗 . Im not really popular but the popular kids know who I am. Im im a band class and there isnt many popular kids in it just 2 and there guys. Also my friends dont even
Compliment me even if I compliment them they just says thanks bum (in a joking way) but other people commented and they said says you Smile . I had a boyfriend in september and he was kinda popular hes friends with the popular guys and he rated me a 10 when we were dating. He then cheated on me and called my friends
Whores. Were friends now and now he rates me a 7.5. Not a lot of guys like me im friends with a lot of guys but they never have crushes on me its always on someone else. Most of the girls in my class I cant trust I can only trust 2 and kinda trust this 1 girl. Also theres this girl in my class who ruined my life pretty much. We use to be best friends but she ditched me a lot and went back and fourth between me and this other girl. At track and field me her and her friend made the team and I was thinking of not
Going since I was gonna be the third wheel but she begged me to go, so I did. When we got there her and her friend ran off leaving me alone on the bench watching people compete. I started hanging out with my friend Tyler hes a guy I known since gr 2. And once she saw me talking to
Him she came
Over. All guys like her and have crushes on her but she rejects them a lot. We then got in a fight and she now talks about me behind my back to my so call friends-_-. Ik shes jealous of me but idk why she has a perfect life. Sorry it was so long but why do people not compliment me?

- Piper - 03-24-2014 11:49 AM

<3 *hugs* first, don't fish for compliments (not that you would) and maybe amp up your style? trying unexpected trendy new things will encourage people to respond.
also don't overexpose yourself by posting too many selfies or people will get sick of you & not respond.
check out:

youtube is amazing for style & beauty tips...

- MixedBeauty - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

I&#x27;m sure you&#x27;re beautiful! Don&#x27;t think about what other people think.

- Daniela - 03-24-2014 11:54 AM

Ah well.. Popularity seems like it can be a pain right? And i know wat u mean by complements .-. I get soms of them on ig... But not from just school.. But from people i dont know. Like i follow people who do shout outs and who say "like my post and ill comment on a fave pic of you." Or "like for a tbh" and i take many selfies. (:i used to not get many likes but then just follow people nd u'll eventually get some. I used to not get some from people at skool. But instagram helped me and so did my fashion sense too.and do cool edits too(:
And im just in 8th grade who hangs with some popular kids nd normal ppl. But im happy of that cuz most my "real friends" are like loners. Nd i have trust issues with popular kids.Some guys are like idk but i nvr had a guy had a crush on me(or i thought) but lol then ig helped me and the way i dress. Nd i put make up too. Just mascara,eyeliner, and blush.
And carefull with fake people.dont trust easily.i prefer you to hang with like normal people(;
Experince. C:
Oh and when people talk behind your back, ignore. I know it looks hard. But forget them like they never existed to you. And if they keep bothering and ditching you.. Just leave. Dont hang with them anymore. And dont talk behind their back cuz honestly.. Her talking behind your back is HER promblem. Not yours.
And if you talk behind someones back, makes others think you probably do too to mabey even them.
So when someone asks you about her or talks bout her just be like "oh her oh i dont know. She just makes me look bad but i dont care anymore and i dont care if she's against me. She already has done enough."
.. So try not to say much bout rude of her cuz you also have to think what if you told the person u said something of her and tht person tells her wat u said... Its gonna cause rumors and we all hate rumors. So its better to ignore and forget and move on with better people who just dont talk bout guys and gossip, but with people who actually care about you.