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I am publicly humiliated by my ex. Please help :(? - Printable Version

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I am publicly humiliated by my ex. Please help :(? - Katiecat - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

My ex-boyfriend of 1 year and I have fought on twitter last last night over something really, really stupid. I tweeted something and he claimed that it was him, so he began mentioning me on twitter calling me names, humiliating me below the belt. I was publicly disgraced. People have read that. He tweeted some personal things about me and him. So I talked to him on facebook. I told him that he went overboard. He said it was his intention. He called me a ****, pick up girl, said that I wasn't worth respecting blablabla. He even mentioned my deceased father. I'm so hurt and devastated because I've been with him for a whole year I didn't know that side of his personality. I know him.. his family are good people and I know how they treat their children. They are a decent people. I didn't expect that he could do such things.. I stopped talking to him because it's really not going anywhere. He wouldn't stop insulting me.

Last night, I just couldn't take it anymore. It hurts so much. People on twitter have read what he tweeted, it feels like I was undressed in public. I talked to his mom through facebook, I have a print screen of his tweets (he has deleted it) and showed it to his mom. She scolded my ex and made him call me. And this is what really teared me apart..

He said that it wasn't him. He told me many people knows his facebook and twitter account, and they must have accessed it. He logs on his twitter with his friends phones etc. He said that if it wasn't because I told his mom, he wouldn't have known it. He swears that it's really not him and he doesn't even know that it happened. He said that I know him enough he could never do that to people no matter how angry he is. True enough, that is how I know him. I feel so betrayed. I couldn't believe him. I don't know if he is telling the truth (because I never saw that kind of attitude w him before) or he's just finding a way out because it looks really impossible that he did not know that someone's using his twitter when while he was tweeting with me, he was tweeting with someone too. I am a really gullible person, and when he called me, I believed him and I forgave him. Because I can't bear the pain inside me even when I know I shouldn't trust him anymore. He made a public apology on me in twitter and after that, he didn't tweet anymore.

It's been a month since we broke up, and our break up is really peaceful. We even agreed to be friends after and he talks to me sometimes. I don't know what I should feel. I want to believe him, but I just can't. We were a perfect couple, always respecting each other. It just didn't work out for us. He treated me really nice and gentle, and with so much love. I was his first ever serious girlfriend that he introduced to his family. In my heart, I want to believe that he couldn't do such things. I still love him even after all that, and I'm still hoping for us. I know I'm stupid when I know it almost destroyed my life. On the other hand, I'm so angry with him. I want to ******* hit him until he confess that it was him. I don't know what to believe anymore.. I just want it to get out of my life. I want to forget him and move on. But I just can't! He's still the one that I want. I am stuck on the time when we were so perfect. He was so perfect for me.. he's beautiful for me. He treated me so nicely. He broke up with me btw, he said he wasn't that happy anymore and that I'm a distraction to his studies. My head hurts from thinking about it. I don't know.. please help me. It's killing me inside.. I don't want to believe it.. we're on the same college. Sad

- Stephen - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

Fought? On twitter?

Humiliated? On Facebook?

Oh please. Twitter and Facebook simply do not matter.

- con the fruiterer - 03-24-2014 11:56 AM

He is a liar or he knows the people or person responsible for the tweets. Either way that's bad. I call bull Sh it. He did it or how would he know the personal things about you. If he knows who did it why not name and shame that person? And who lets other people have access to his accounts freely? Noone. If you do you take responsibility for their actions too. Garbage. This guy is scum and he's just sorry he got in trouble from his mummy. Pathetic.
Do not lower yourself to talk to this poor excuse for a human.

- Suzy - 03-24-2014 11:56 AM

Perhaps you should also focus more on your studies as well... who needs all that drama while in college?!
If it is meant to be, it will work out... if not, then it won't.
No one is a mindreader... no one can tell you if it was him or not... let it go and move on (although you may ask yourself if things were said only he would know).
Good luck to you!

- cassey - 03-24-2014 12:06 PM

Girl, sorry if this hurts.
But what i'm gonna say is really simple.
Since he already apologized on twitter, let it go.
If you have the doubts and the hatred for him already, believe me.
Even if you love him and got together, it's not gonna work out for you.
If this incident affects you so much that you can't forget it after a month,
it's just gonna remind you again and again if you're with him.
Advice : Move on and let it go.

- Midnightcorn883 - 03-24-2014 12:08 PM

The only reason this is "killing you" is because you are allowing it.

Stop that right now and accept that you guys didn't work out. The sooner you accept, the easier this will be.

You said he wasn't happy, you clearly werent perfect for one another if that's the case. Most decent guys will treat a girl right, doesn't mean they are right for each other.

Who cares if he did it or not. It's over. OR if it makes it easier on you, pretend he did do it and make that the reason why you believe he's not right for you. So he hurt you, my ex cheated on me in my own room with my best friend. Most guys only want me for my body and treat me like crap when i give the nicer ones a chance. It happens. Accept it.

Just so you know, being with someone a year is nothing/no time at all. When you are together with a person for 5 or more years THAT is when you know them and know their true colors. You didn't know this guy. You think you did, but you really didn't. So don't let it get to you like this.

The only reason why you are hurting is because you are letting it. YOU are now doing the damage. Just stop. Learn from this experience and don't trust people that hard so soon. Realize everything takes time and you need to take things slower with guys.

- A - 03-24-2014 12:11 PM

it seems he's an a''hole. forget about him. it's ok to remember the good times but he's not that perfect after all. you don't betray the trust of anyone, friend, relative especially your girlfriend. you just don't.

- BabeHart - 03-24-2014 12:17 PM

This belongs in SIngles & Dating...

Move on...there is NO point in letting someone rent space in your head and heart for free, when they don't care for you as you do for them...why pine over someone who does not want to be with you, when there are much better matches for you out there in the world???

Cut all contact...delete him on your social media accounts so you can't see what each other is posting, and move on with your life...the only reason you are miserable, is because you are choosing to make yourself miserable...seems a waste of your time and emotion, to me...

- almarj70 - 03-24-2014 12:27 PM

I don't believe him for a moment, he's just a sad little immature dweeb who got caught out.