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What's going on with this dude? - Printable Version

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What's going on with this dude? - Danny - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

What's going on with this dude?
Danny asked 4 mins ago - 4 days left to answer
Basically, my dads mrs had a christmas meal, at xmas day, all of her family were there including these two people, tom and stacey, toms 18 and staceys 19, im 22,

anyway, i think me and stacey hit it off , or something and i think she fancies me, and i quite liked her, um haha, so anyway i send him a friends requests, he doesnt accept, and doesnt respond to my messages, stacey accepts my friends request almost straight away and is always replying to my messages

can anyone give me a context of what is going on, haha. i also have an autistic spectrum disorder (NOT THAT IT MATTERS) sorry caps, but i just want you to see it in conext
i phone my dad up today and he says that tom probably just doesnt go on facebook much and only wants close friends on his facebook, but im not sure if this is true

i want to find the truth, any REALISTS got any ideas, realists only because they say the truth yo

- Vamp - 03-24-2014 11:48 AM

There is nothing that says someone has to accept a "friends" request. Some people accept anything they get, some people are more choosy (I'm a "real friends only" type myself). That's their choice (in the same way that people have a choice to be friends in real life) and there is no point worrying about it. You just have to accept that, for some reason known to Tom and Tom alone, he is not interested in being friends on Facebook. And even if you knew why, it would not change anything - Tom would still not be your friend on Facebook. Our trying to guess his reasons is a waste of time

In any case, you said that you and Stacey hit it off and she's accepted your request. Surely that's the important thing?