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Do you sometimes think about people from your past who you've lost contact with? - Printable Version

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Do you sometimes think about people from your past who you've lost contact with? - Lauren - 03-24-2014 11:48 AM

Sometimes I think about people I used to talk to, or know around through school or work, and wonder what they're up to these days/where they are. It sounds kind of weird, but sometimes I think of these people so much that they end up appearing in my dreams at night, or I'm on the road, and I 'think' I've seen them, but it usually ends up being somebody else. Most of these people, besides maybe like 5 or 6, I was never really close to on a personal level. They kinda were just there in a certain time in my life, acquaintances. Maybe we'd say hi in passing, but we never really 'knew' each other. Weird thing is, that some of them I actually do see not too long after they have appeared in my dream. As for the ones I was quite close with, I sometimes have gone as far as trying to reconnect with them, by looking them up online, or asking some friends if they've seen them, or still talk with them. Is that even normal? I mean, I don't do it in a stalkerish way. But it still feels like I'm the only one who does this.

A couple days ago I was out with my bf, and a friend, and working in the restaurant we went to was somebody who I thought I recognized as someone I used to know, but it ended up not being them. Its like I'm thinking about these people so much, that I 'want' to see them, so my mind plays tricks on me, making me think that I'm crossing paths with them when in actuality I'm not. Anyone else get this sometimes?

- Iva - 03-24-2014 11:53 AM

No and yes

- yungantt 24 - 03-24-2014 12:03 PM

All the time.

- LiverGirl98 - 03-24-2014 12:04 PM

It is very common to think back to the people who have crossed our paths, especially at times that are poignant in our own lives. There can be the fleeting thoughts of 'wonder what they are doing now?' to 'would love to see them again'. Social media such as Facebook has certainly made the search for old friends easier and no, you are not exhibiting stalker behaviour. You simply want to reconnect and that is okay. It would seem subconsciously you really do want to connect with certain people again and hence why you are 'seeing' them out in public. Start with Facebook and see what unfolds for you.