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Is this facebook video inappropriate? - Printable Version

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Is this facebook video inappropriate? - DeviantChinaDoll - 10-15-2012 08:06 PM

FB claims to have "rules" yet I have seen tons of inappropriate content: women dressed scantily clad or pages that have been set up for porn w/ women actually exposing their vaginas or men showing their penile area. FaceBook claims u can report such content but when u do, the content stays up. If u are grown and want to exploit yourself that is your problem. Now when u exploit a child it's totally different. Is this molestation or child abuse: my adult FB friend posted a dancing vid. In the video she grabs a male child who appears to be age 4. She lays him on the floor, gets on top of him, begins to grind on him/gyrate & appears to be having such fun! It was as if she was assimilating sex but w/ clothes on. I could not believe it. I thought, now if a male were to do this to a female child, he would clearly be arrested. Reporting it to FB would be a waste of time. Whomever shot the vid was laughing and encouraging this behavior. I even read the comments ppl made and no one had sense to say, this is not ok! One guy said, I wish u would do that to me and the girl who did the dance said, 'did u see him touching my cat'? I'm thinking u ppl, this is a child. If she's posting vids of herself dry humping on him, what is she doing to this innocent child off camera? She lives in my city. Opinions please.... I mean, she had music playing in the background and grinded on this little boy like a stripper. The video is indeed disturbing to me. I don't think it's ok... What do u think?

- David - 10-15-2012 08:14 PM

child porn?

- Marie - 10-15-2012 08:14 PM

Report it to the police if it's still up you can show them.