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my boyfriend tries to control who I talk to on facebook. Why does he do this? - Printable Version

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my boyfriend tries to control who I talk to on facebook. Why does he do this? - Selina - 03-24-2014 11:48 AM

My boyfriend constantly has a go at me for who I'm friends on facebook with. If i accept a friends request from a boy he gets mad.

If I have friends on there I don't know in real life he gets mad. If i take selfies and upload them to facebook he gets mad.

Why is he doing this and trying to make me feel bad when i'm doing nothing wrong. I'm 24 years old by the way he's 43.

- Wake Up - 03-24-2014 11:53 AM

cause of the massive age gap hes worried you will leave him for a younger guy

- Wendy - 03-24-2014 12:00 PM

He's obviously insecure because he probably thinks you can do a lot better and date someone younger.
So he will restrict you from the possibility of meeting your right fit

- JellyButler - 03-24-2014 12:05 PM

He could that over-protective guy. Seriously, I think he's way too old for you but it's up to you. If you hate the way he's being so over-protective to you, then just tell him that you also need some privacy. One of keys to a happy and long-lasting relationship is trusting each other.

- Oopsy Daisy# - 03-24-2014 12:09 PM

He's an insecure cntrol freak, you are a young woman with your life ahead of you and at 43 he's middle aged and getting older. He is worried that you are going to leave him for a younger man, or you could be up to no good but that's not giving you a lot of credit. You chose to be with him and while that's good enough for you it's not for him. You need to put your foot down and tell him his behaviour is not acceptible he's treating you like you're his daughter and you're supposed to be his equal. Let him know if he carries on this way it's going to end up driving you away, you got with him because you thought he was more mature but he's acting just as immature and jealous as younger guys.