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My Mom Checks My Instagram Account? - Printable Version

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My Mom Checks My Instagram Account? - Joanne - 03-24-2014 11:49 AM

So my mom often checks my instagram account to make sure I don't post anything inappropriate. I wouldn't, I promise. I know my responsibilities and rules and I will follow them. Plus, my pics are set to private so only my friends can see them. I decline friend requests from strangers and stuff. But my mom constantly checks my account and she told me to delete a picture that I took of my friend because I'm "spreading information" about her. She said not to take any pics of my friends or anybody! She said I had no rights to post that pic. I told her I was just hanging out and we got bored so I took a pic of her! I captioned it "my friend the other half of me" and that's not spreading information! And I'm kinda creeped out by mom doing that because she even checks the comments and who's following me and who I am following. O.O

- Natasha - 03-24-2014 11:58 AM

lol ur mom just loves you too parents are even worst than urs in strictness trust me,,, I don't know how old u r, but u gotta figure a way to fight back ( not literally) but say ur rights, and explain that ur friend has no problem with it. Or argue back n if that doesn't work.....leave it alone lol idk . what I do is ignore and keep all my anger to myself and don't talk or show attitude and they later give up and let me go.answer mine pls