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How can a Facebook account be deleted and not merely deactivated ? - Printable Version

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How can a Facebook account be deleted and not merely deactivated ? - RED-CHROME - 03-24-2014 11:49 AM

How can a Facebook account be deleted and not merely 'DEACTIVATED' ?
I have been informed that with the right knowledge, people can hack into a Facebook account. For that and for other reasons I wish to delete my Facebook account but it seems that all Facebook allows us to do is deactivate it, ie. it remains in their system with all our information and photos for all time and that with the aid of sites like 123People (or People123) everyone can find out your name, your photos, even your address and telephone including age etc !!!
Please help out. How can we delete a Facebook account for good and not merely deactivate it ?
Thank you in advance

- Pulsar - 03-24-2014 11:56 AM

If you would like your account permanently deleted
with no option for recovery,
log in to your account and then submit your request
by clicking here : then click on the submit button.

Or click on the link and then sign in to your account.
you will then be re-directed to the delete account page.

Or if you are already signed in click on the link
you will be taken straight to the delete account page.


- AnimalLover1998 - 03-24-2014 12:01 PM

a facebook account can be deleted and not merely 'DEACTIVATED' by deactivating your account and you have to leave it for a bit and it deletes it. the reasn i think it takes longer to delete is so then if you make a new one you can go onto the new one and search your old facebook to tag the pictures of you and you can go through the mutraul friends and add them all. yes people can hack into facebook account but only if you give your password away which is meant to be kept a secret. if people are guessing your password you shoukd change it to make it harder. maybe you should not put certain information on your facebook page. i hope this helped you Smile

- Bala Guru - 03-24-2014 12:06 PM

Click the Account Settings menu on Account tab.Then select the Security in left sidebar of your page.

In that Security page,click Deactivate Your account link in the middle of the page click that..

Thats all...Your account will be deactivated..

- Bart Mans - 03-24-2014 12:07 PM

Just leave it deactivated.

Facebook will eventually clean up its database. It will get deleted over time. It takes time though.