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Once again:Best Friend Crisis? - Printable Version

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Once again:Best Friend Crisis? - Hannah - 03-24-2014 11:49 AM

So me and my best friend lauren have been growing apart for a while now,it started a few months back when I have been put on partial school timetable, i would onlg be in school for 3 hours which honestly is a bad thing, because i would't be able to catch up with the things going on, like hardships etc. I usualy find out whats going on in her life through twitter and when somethings wrong i would call her to ask if shes okay, but i recetly realized i don't get the same treatment,honestly im a depressed person from time to time but even though i usualy post my feelings on SW(twitter,FB) she doesn't ever support me, therefore on twitter i tweeted an obvious F*uck off message that im sure she knows its about her, she has made a few tweets about how selfish she is after that,although im not sure whether the tweets are trully in reply to mine, we rarely talk now and honestly whether i should continue having hopes that our frienship might get better, what should i do????!!!!

- pickle297 - 03-24-2014 11:52 AM

I think both of you need to sit down and talk. It's really immature to tweet about each other, and if you both know the other person will read it, why not just talk to each other online or in person? It's less more dramatic. Your friendship will not grow stronger if neither of you are willing to talk to each other and work it out. Tell her how you feel... that she isn't giving you enough support when you post depressing thoughts. Tell her you'd appreciate it if she checked up on you once in awhile. You need to realize though, just because she doesn't ask about every depressing tweet of yours doesn't mean she doesn't care. Everyone has their own way of dealing with friends. I know that one of my best friends rarely ever asks about my personal tweets or tumblr rants. It use to really offend me and I use to feel as if she didn't care, but as time went on, I realized that it was just her way of respecting me. She felt that if I chose to rant it on twitter instead, then I probably didn't want to talk to her personally about it and she'd rather respect my privacy. This is why it is important for you to talk to your friend and tell her your needs. If she is a true friend, then she will listen and put effort in strengthening the friendship as well. Good luck! Smile