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Does anyone else feel like Facebook is just a popularity contest for some people? - Printable Version

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Does anyone else feel like Facebook is just a popularity contest for some people? - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - 03-24-2014 11:49 AM

To me FB is just a place to communicate with distant friends and family. Like my cousin, we never talked before and I found her on FB and we exchanged numbers and text everyday now. That's what the true purpose of FB is in my opinion, but some people view it as a popularity contest.

My average status gets 7 likes and photo gets 12 likes.
i try to make meaningful statuses with my favorite quotes, and I usually post proverbs that teach valuable life lessons, and once in a while I write about something interest that happened to me that day like last week a cat jumped on my windshield on in the parking lot. I don't post selfies with stupid song lyrics or phrases like "omgg", "nerd", or "yolo"

somehow the girl who gets 50 likes on a "truth is" status or 100 likes for a picture of her in the bathroom mirror is better than everyone on the planet.

i already tried deleted so many "friends" i went from 490 to 200 friends (family, and people I actually socialize with and they're my friend too)

it's so annoying at times, and I feel like deactivating my profile :o
anyone else know people like that?

- Daniel - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

Yes For Some People It is i Find it Annoying Being Popular on Facebook is Not a Big Deal Really

- Lizhaa - 03-24-2014 11:59 AM

Yes I agree some of the times its annoying..some people who they believe to be Facebook famous just add anyone ..

- Mr. Sonny - 03-24-2014 12:03 PM

In my city, 1 of the local news anchors uses FB to pose for a picture every chance she gets-I deleted her.