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Why didn't my friend answer me on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why didn't my friend answer me on Facebook? - Sunshine on a Cloudy Day - 03-24-2014 12:02 PM

So I innocently asked my friend (girl a) from my lab class this past semester about the whereabouts of a mutual friend of ours (girl b) since this mutual friend of ours gave me her number.

I have tried to get ahold of girl b twice since the last class (last one forever), and she hasn't been picking up and she hasn't been on facebook since december 1st.

After I asked girl a about girl b's whereabouts, facebook said that girl a just "saw" the message but didnt respond!

I do not have girl a's number and I probably won't see her again unless we hang out because my college is pretty big.

I found it pretty rude how girl A did not answer me.

What's wrong with asking someone about someone else's whereabouts?

- Maria - 03-24-2014 12:04 PM

Maybe she just doesn't use facebook much or was busy and didn't sign in again.

- Summe66 - 03-24-2014 12:13 PM

Times change and people change. Perhaps, (girl a) knows something that you do not know, and does not feel it is her job to tell you. Perhaps, (girl b) does not want to be reached, or perhaps she is facing other issues or her life is geared in another direction different than when you new her. Last but now least, she may have changed numbers and no longer go to Facebook (which may be a good thing). Give it time, and if she knows your number; it maybe that she no longer wants to be reached. If this is the case, back off!!