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Is Kendrick Lamar as good as people say? - Printable Version

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Is Kendrick Lamar as good as people say? - Eman - 03-24-2014 12:04 PM

Lots of people say K Dot is the bomb right now. I listened to both of his albums and very few songs of his caught my attention. He is kinda good tbh but his skills are overrated imo. What I look for most in a rapper are their word plays. He doesnt have any or atleast i havent noticed any. What do you think about him? His best songs according to me are:
-Swimming Pools
-The art of peer pressure
-Love game (by Eminem ft K.)
-We on (by 50 cent ft K.)
Please comment his best songs according to you too. Thanks

- OnlyBlueCheese - 03-24-2014 12:16 PM


- nthomeng - 03-24-2014 12:19 PM

Money trees
The recipe
Sing about me, I'm dying of thirst
I'm Real
The art of peer pressure
Swimming pools

- Jarule - 03-24-2014 12:33 PM

K-dot is the shit. It sucks because not a lot of people listened to him in 2010 & 2011. Songs you should listen to is...
Control Verse
Money Trees
She Needs Me
Maad City
Backseat Freestyle
Poe Man Dreams

- gzgqzg - 03-24-2014 12:44 PM

hes the best right now

- I am Getting OLD - 03-24-2014 12:59 PM

Yes, he is overrated by mainstream media though, but i think he is the best conscious rapper out right now or someone who raps about social issues and/or politics.

Listen to all of Section .80 from track 1 to the last track, actually listen to it and you will understand what i mean, after that actually listen to all of Good Kid Maad City from track 1 to the last track.

He is an incredible story teller if you've heard Good Kid Maad City you will understand.

These are the songs i like
Country Building Blues
Ignorance Is Bliss
Sing About Me
Tammy's Song (Her Evils)
Poe Mans Dreams (His Vice)
Chapter Six
Cartoon & Cereal
Kush & Corinthians
F*ck Your Ethnicity
Ronald Regan Era
Collect Call

Most are off section .80

- Ivan Solis - 03-24-2014 01:01 PM

Good kid maad city is a concept album. You should listen to it in order from the first song to the last. It's like he's telling a story. But any ways my favorite songs from him are
Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst
Maad City
No Make Up
ROTC (interlude)
Good Kid

- 536 - 03-24-2014 01:08 PM

He's incredibly precise with his syllables, while also being a pretty compelling storyteller. My favorite songs are probably Good Kid, Rigamortus, and his verse on Schoolboy Q's Blessed