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What should I do on Valentine's day? - Printable Version

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What should I do on Valentine's day? - varun d - 03-24-2014 04:09 PM

Met this girl at a family function and befriended on Facebook. Had a small and casual conversation over a few days on chat only. Barely know her. This was the last message i sent
" Haha
You sound like my father
I don't believe in god.
Hey btw how is uncle & family.
I really like your father
I am not gay.
By like i mean respect. He is very much like my dad so 😊"
now, has seen the message but not replied and it's been more than 2 weeks. She is otherwise active.
I have decided not to message again until we meet at some family gathering. She is a cousin of my cousin.
However, should I do anything on Valentine's day, like message her or something.
And I'm in India, so please don't give an American advise 😉

- Bj singh - 03-24-2014 04:13 PM

forget her world is full of joy you will get some one else

- me - 03-24-2014 04:20 PM

no. wait till she texts you 1st.