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How can a girl make it in the alternative music scene? - Printable Version

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How can a girl make it in the alternative music scene? - Liz Six - 03-24-2014 04:10 PM

Okay so i'm 15 and i've always loved singing and i have my mind set on being a vocalist for a living. I want to be in a alternative rock band or a metalcore/screamo band..think paramore and escape the fate. there are NOT a lot of girls in the music scene and i was wondering how hard it would be to make it in the music scene? what would it take? what are the chances of making it? not alot of people believe in me or support my dream but hey i can prove them wrong..

- Some Weird Dude - 03-24-2014 04:20 PM

Well, you're gonna have to sign up for a good record company. They're going to want to change you into a pop-electronic crap singer. There are actually a few successful alternative bands with female lead singers such as Evanescence, Flyleaf, Paramore, VersaEmerge.

You can also become YouTube famous. Create an account, and start with some covers of some famous songs, maybe turn some stupid pop songs into a nice alternative rock cover? Once you get some fame... write your own songs!

- teeny-tinycow428 - 03-24-2014 04:25 PM

Eh, have you tried sleeping with a much more talented artist?

- ? - 03-24-2014 04:26 PM

My guess as to why there's not that many girls making that kind of music is that bands, even those with female singers, are mostly male. So you have to be able to hang out with guys without getting crushes or whatever, since that could lead to tension in the band. I think the reason those 2 guys left Paramore is one of them dated Haley and the break up wasn't good. And the other guy is the guy's brother, so he had to leave too. So you have to find guys who you know won't try to get in your pants and you know you won't get crushes on to be in your band, or get a bunch of girls to be in your band.

Also, screamo requires screaming and not a lot of girls want to do that. You have to be a pretty badass chick who wants to see people beat this crap out of each other while she screams at them.

I personally don't like Paramore much, but here's some other bands with female singers you might like:
Be Your Own Pet:
The Birthday Massacre:
Those are just a few.

- Mike - 03-24-2014 04:34 PM

I think a good way would be to look around your school for people to form a band where you're equally represented as much as possible. If it's you and four other people trying to make it, you won't have to face the path to success alone and record labels would be less likely to try and strong-arm you into becoming the next Ke$ha. Hayley Williams, Joan Jett, Grace Slick and even Shania Twain (before her career she sang in a rock band) all started off this way. Then you'll want as many contacts as possible, talk to people who are involved in your local music scene and friend them on facebook or twitter or youtube (or get their phone number!). The good part about being a girl is that you'll stand out. If you're a girl and you rock out, people are gonna notice. So try and stand out, move around onstage. Also if you play guitar (or bass especially) you will get into a band a lot easier. Since people who can play or who can afford the instruments aren't always around, the more you can do yourself the easier you'll be able to build a band around you.

- Andrew Jokerst - 03-24-2014 04:37 PM

Not true. There are lots of female lead vocalists on the indie scene. There probably aren't as many female vocalists in screamo bands because the female voice typically doesn't lend itself to screaming, but it can be done. If you have a good voice for that kind of music, it won't be hard to find people get together and start a band with. These days, it's pretty tough to make it, but definitely not impossible if you have something unique to offer. It's actually easier and cheaper than ever to record an album, but there is so much out there that you really have to stand out. It won't be easy but if you really want to be in a band, you should go for it, don't worry about whether you will make it. Just remember, if one person hears your music, you will have made a difference.