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long distance? help gusy and girls please!? - Printable Version

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long distance? help gusy and girls please!? - Maria - 03-24-2014 04:10 PM

Okay so, my bf and i have been together for 2 years and a half, ever since we first dated we never saw eachother for summer or christmas so we would do long distance for a bit, 4 months at most.But when he was here we would be together 24/7 and never got sick of eachother. But the end of this summer everything changed, i saw him for 3 weeks in september before he moved to spain to try and become a professional soccer player(he's 17, im 18), and then i saw him for 2 weeks during christmas holidays(we spent everyday together)
we are are very inlove (im his first everything) and we talk about everything together.. but recently things started to get really hard for him and he told me he cant take long distance, the thought of not seeing me for 6months(until summer) kills him, and that he will never find a girl that made him feel the way i made him feel and he wishes he met me when we were older (23-25) he said he wished he met me when we were older a couple of times throughout our relationship.. he also said that he loves me very much but we are still young and he doesnt know where he will end up 2 years from now so he cant do long distance for 2-3years, but he "WILL" come back for me later on in life.. i was so shocked and devastated when this was all happening.. its been a little over a week and we havn't spoken, but neither of us have bothered to change our relationship status on facebook nor our pictures.. i also barley see him online anymore(on his phone)
Id really like to know why this happened,
i mostly want to know WHY he hasnt changed his facebook, i know i havnt because im not ready to let go..
Thanks SO much.

- Marc - 03-24-2014 04:11 PM

Hi Maria : )

He's just moved to Spain to try and make it as a football player? (I'm in England btw), which team is he playing for? I'll go have a word with him, hah.

What made him move to Spain to begin with? did someone Scout him and offer him a contract with a club?

Anyway, seems to me that he wants you to wait for him no matter how many years it takes, which tells me two things, either he's saying that just so he can come back to you any time he wants being if he's over in Spain then he's probably mixing with the Spanish girls that love football players, I'm not trying to upset you but I'm just telling you the facts about footballers, they get big headed when they think they're on the brink of the big time, and then get big headed when women pay them attention and end up leaving someone behind who loves that person and has supported that person through and through.

If he isn't communicating with you via facebook, and hasn't changed his status, has he been on there recently? or maybe he's made a new account that you don't know about?

Have you also tried calling him lately and demanded answers from him? because at the end of the day you need to put yourself first so you don't keep going on day after day thinking negative thoughts, and you need to put your mind at rest.

Perhaps he's just been busy and hasn't had the chance to contact you? you never know, so don't read too much in to it just yet, but again it doesn't take much effort to text someone either. I've been in those long distance relationships and it does drive you crazy at times, if you ever need someone to talk to then feel free to message me as I'd love to know how this works out for you.