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I have a crush on my doctor what should I do? - Printable Version

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I have a crush on my doctor what should I do? - kate - 03-24-2014 04:11 PM

He is a new doctor at the practice where I am a patient. I went to him with really bad back and abdominal pains. He is very easy on the eyes and is the type of guy I would go for looks wise. I would say he is about 31 or 32 he wouldn't be much older than me I am 27. I found his facebook and twitter account (out of curiosity I have absolutely no intention of adding or messaging him on either) and I discovered he is engaged and perhaps has a child too as his fiancé definitely looked pregnant in one of the pictures. I dread having to go see him because I come over all shy and nervous and I feel dead embarrassed because I think I am making him uncomfortable too as he must know I like him. I cant even make eye contact with him and my face must go every shade of red. There is a kind of awkwardness between us when I go see him. Maybe he doesn't think it and I am just jumping to conclusions. Even over the phone when he calls me back with blood and ultrasound results I get so nervous. We just talk about what ever I am there for we make no small talk what so ever. I thought I was over all the school girl crushes and I know that's all it is and it's not going to go anywhere. I am in contact with him a lot a lately be it over the phone or appointments it’s a long story with my health but with tests and pains I find myself in regular contact with him. I’ll have to see him again in 6 weeks time and the thoughts of it is making me anxious. And I cant go to another doctor as he was the doctor who initially seen me and is dealing with my referrals and results.

- lamido - 03-24-2014 04:15 PM

Love ain't no bad thing.

- Schuyler - 03-24-2014 04:24 PM

You certainly can and should find another doctor; you're just making up and excuse not to; this is a very bad situation and you need to rectify it ASAP.

- Phillip - 03-24-2014 04:29 PM

Fu%$k him!

- runwithme. - 03-24-2014 04:33 PM

This is actually a common psychological occurrence within patients. It happens because
1. You are basically telling the doctor about many personal things, and thus sharing such personal information can make you feel as if you are closer to them.
2. They are taking care of you when you are ill, and thus this feeling being similar to being taken care of from a significant other can make your mind feel attraction to them.
3. You are in a room alone with them, and again this can make your mind feel as if you are intimate with them.
Sorry if this isn't the best explanation. I can't remember the specific psychological term for it, unfortunately, but it is common and usually fades away once you don't see them anymore.

I think it's important to remember that the relation between the doctor and their patient has to remain professional,and he is only caring for you because he is paid to and it's his job. Nothing more.
Just focus on your health.

I hope you get better with whatever is happening, but if you really want a relationship you should be seeking it in other areas of your life.

And the facebook stalking is just a bit creepy, I'm sorry. No doctor is going to put their professional life nor personal life on the line to be with any patient. That is lacking in professionalism. Do you realize how much money he had to pay to get through medical school and to get to where he is? He's not going to do anything to risk his job.

- Common Sense - 03-24-2014 04:41 PM

You are totally wrong about changing doctors. ANY doctor who is qualified to take you as a patient, will. So, your excuse that you cannot change doctors is totally and absolutely not true. Your records will be transfered to a new doctor, lickity split.

Change doctors.

- Pixie - 03-24-2014 04:46 PM

Get an other doctor. This is an unhealthy, inappropriate situation. Medical professionals are strictly prohibited by law not to get personally involved with their patients. And apart from that. ..he's engaged!

- Patricia - 03-24-2014 04:53 PM

What can you do? Nothing. You either keep on seeing him as a doctor and have a perve or get another doctor. That's it, there's no falling in love and living happily ever after.