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What do you think about homeschooling for High School? - Printable Version

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What do you think about homeschooling for High School? - Minami Akatsuki - 03-24-2014 04:12 PM

I am going to permanently at home due to my medical condition. My principle, therapist, and counselors all think it's a good idea because I've missed so much school this year. My grades are amazing but if I'm not there for the amount of days required they are going to hold me back due to it, so they suggested Homeschooling. My mother is also medically retired from the Air National Guard, so she'll be home with me all the time, so she doesn't mind the idea, she kind of agrees with it because of how severe my condition is. My father has sent the application already this weekend. I don't know when it will get reviewed and everything so yeah. But my counselor is worried that I won't get any physical or social activity. Already due to my medical condition I can't do anything really physical like running, jumping, skipping, etc., I can hardly walk up two - four stairs without feeling exhausted and like I climbed eight hundred stairs. And I've never been really social with anybody except the little kids that I babysit all the time and parents. The little kids are such sweethearts because they know that I'm sore and they need to be careful but that doesn't mean that they don't keep me on my toes lol. But anyways I want to ask,

What do you think of homeschooling? I've been told I can still get into a great college. I've looked at so many different schools and I love their courses!
Is homeschooling alright?
Is it bad that I'm really not all that worried but when think about it I start crying?
I know I'm going to miss some of the friends and teachers that are there but I don't know what else I could do.
I want to keep my health in check and don't want to push my self off the edge so being able to stay home, not be sore, and still be able to be in school is good right? I don't know I'm really nervous that I won't get accepted but than again if I do I feel like I'm not going to want to go and drop out. But I really want to do this homeschooling because I've been trying to get homeschooled for years! Since I was in 6th grade due to my health.

I love the courses they have.
I love the teachers that are there.

Is homeschooling okay?
What do you think of homeschooling?
Is it bad that I'm not really all that worried?
Will trying to transfer to a new school be too much for me?

I'm really sorry to bother you guys with questions like this, it's just, I don't know what to do anymore. My parents say I'll be alright, my teachers said I'll do great, and my friends say they're going to miss me. I'm at the top of my Sophomore Class and I'm still worried with a new school and a new surrounding doing school is going to mess me up but I really want to stay pain free and feel good enough where I can go out and have some fun without missing 3 months of school in a semester.

- vulcan_alex - 03-24-2014 04:16 PM

Homeschooling is great for you especially since you really can't attend regular school. Now I suspect that your medical folks will get you activities as you are capable. Social interaction could be with some folks who can visit you at home. Go for it.

- Sarah - 03-24-2014 04:18 PM

The more questions you ask the better informed you will be. NEVER stop asking them.

but I'm not sure about some of the answers you are getting.

First, if you have a medical need to be excused from school, I would think that would qualify you for homebound learning. It works like this: you remain enrolled in your current school with your current class. Each week a teacher stops by once or twice and goes over your lessons with you at home, and assigns you next week's lessons. You remain with your class as far as lessons go and you eventually get to graduate with your class. It is paid for by the school district. Obviously, it is expensive for them so that may be why they are not telling you about this option. Talk to your doctors.

second, you can homeschool which it sounds like might be the answer also because your mom is there to help you. Homeschooling is a specific set of state laws governing a parent teaching their own child. The parent takes legal responsibility for your education, decides what curriculum materials to use, purchases them with their own money and provides you with all instruction. You never have to "apply", you just "do" following the laws of your state. When your parents determine you have completed the requirements for a diploma in your state, they give you one. (google 'your state high school graduation requirements" to find them). Homeschooling is completely separate from any public or private school and is often called Parent Directed Education. You can find your state's laws at

Use the alphabet at the top to find your state. You can also learn about different curriculum and where to find other homeschool families in your area.

Online schools are either public schools or private schools. Public schools are free for you just like the school you currently attend. They are governed by the same laws that govern public schools in your state. k12, Connections, Insight, ECOT and others that are free are public schools. They are also for-profit making their emphasis on profit, not education. I'll give you a few links to introduce you to them. I would not recommend them for you because of their poor reputation, high drop out rate, low test scores and very low graduation rate. That is my opinion based on what I have read about them and the questions here from students who are failing out.

Online private schools are tuition based. They can be anything from Susie Q picking up a bunch of used textbooks and stacking them in the garage with a mailbox over the the UPS store, to very good programs run by Universities. They are largely unregulated (most states only regulate them for health and safety codes) so you never know what you are getting unless you do a lot of research. Two I can recommend are:

You will be alright no matter what you choose because it will be your family's choice. They know you and can select the option that is right for you. Yes, real homeschooling (not public schools that call themselves homeschooling to hide their inadequacies) is designed to fit you exactly. You get to pick your own courses which means things that interest you.

those links:

States Struggle To Keep Online Schools Accountable 2/15/13

Shareholder lawsuit:

Virtual School Profits Far Exceeding Performance
May 17, 2013

Cyber schools flunk, but tax money keeps flowing 9/26/13

Virtual School Profits Far Exceeding Performance
May 17, 2013

From Junk Bonds to Junk Schools: Cyber Schools Fleece Taxpayers for Phantom Students and Failing Grades

School Reform and the Profit Motive
By Jay Mathews
The Washington Post
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Don't cry; find the answer that is right for you. As homeschoolers, we do try to keep the tears out of learning. Learning should be something you enjoy.

come back anytime and ask all the questions you want.

- Amanda - 03-24-2014 04:22 PM

Homeschool can be a great option. If you are worried about not having any social interaction, there usually are homeschool networks where all the kids in your area that are homeschooled get together for things like field trips, etc. Its not everyday so with your medical condition, you could go when you feel well enough. Around here, homeschoolers are allowed to attend school dances and functions so you won't be completely left out.