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Internet Marketing Question - About PPC Ads? - Donkey_kong - 10-15-2012 08:07 PM

Im currently making money online with Affiliate Marketing doing really well.

Currently I do not pay for PPC Ads (I use a different method at the moment) and am kind of a n00b to PPC

What I would be really happy with is 500 targeted Clicks per day.. BUT I ran a cost per impression advert on Facebook which failed miserably..

Is PPC Different? I mean if i set a budget which equaled 500 clicks per day on google ads would i achieve this?

Facebook advertising is really bad - Will google be better

I need to expand i do not own a website any advice would be really helpful How do you make your money?

(There is no issue with what im trying to sell I only sell the most popular products)

- Jeff - 10-15-2012 08:15 PM

Unless you've got an unlimited budget for PPC, your going to want to use "niche keywords"
Some PPC keywords are .50 cents and up as you may already know.
You want to get the cheap ones that still get decent searches per day and will in turn drive traffic.
If you want to read up on some ideas about how to do this, check out my blog for some tips and tricks.

- Dj T - 10-15-2012 08:15 PM

PPC can get expensive if you don't know what you are doing. Many Internet Marketers go into PPC campaigns and get over their head. What you should do is browse on the Warrior Forum for PPC. They have a lot of useful information which is free.

- Paul Hooper - 10-15-2012 08:15 PM


Can i ask why you want to go down the PPC route when you're new to it all? It can get very expensive and it really isn't the type of thing you want to use trial and error with, because the error will cost you a load.

I would suggest you just reply on SEO at first to get free traffic to your web pages. You will have to do careful niche and keyword research, but there are niches and products that you can target that will get you a lot of traffic and are fairly uncompetitive, especially if you target physical products rather than digital products.

You can still see fairly quick results if you choose the right niche and product, and you won't lose your shirt while doing so. You can learn more about PPC as you go, and once you feel you have taken in enough information about it (and you have filled up your bank account from your SEO exploits) you can always give it a go then.

There are still a lot of excellent opportunities selling physical products, and you won't find anywhere near the competition as for selling digital products.

- lowlake748 - 10-15-2012 08:15 PM

PPC Advertising can be pretty expensive with Google.

If you want targeted traffic, Google might not be the best way to go because sometimes words that aren't extremely competitive but get a lot of search volume are that way because they aren't great for business.

Targeted ad serving might be the best solution depending on the size of your business. Certain retargeting companies can help you send targeted ads across whatever servers you desire, and to people who are interested in your product.

- Nicole - 10-15-2012 08:15 PM

PPC advertising is extremely tough especially for a novice. If you want to venture into PPC you need to do some extensive research on the subject before setting up a campaign. The power is in the keywords. Your keywords will drive the targeted traffic to your site. I believe with Facebook you are able to actually target your market to specific ages, interest etc. But people on Facebook are only interested in playing stupid games and updating their status constantly.

Also, with PPC, there are some heavy hitters out there that make bidding on popular keywords for popular products way too expensive.

With PPC you are paying for every single click. So if you want 500 targeted clicks per day, how much per click are you willing and able to spend every single day.

I saw this one guy make about $2 million from PPC advertising affiliate products in a year, but I fainted when he said he spent over $450,000 in PPC advertising in that same year. Yikes! I knew right then that PPC was not for me.