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I had a premonition! Am I psychic? - Printable Version

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I had a premonition! Am I psychic? - BrokenEye - 03-24-2014 04:13 PM

About a week ago, I had one of those sorta half-dreams that you get when you're only mostly asleep, which are generally much more coherent and mundane than the normal sort, and I dreamed that I'd gone to check my emails only to discover that Gmail had REMOVED the "Revert to the old look temporarily" button and FORCED me to use their aesthetically repulsive "New Look".

About a week later (which is to say, yesterday). I went to check my email in real life only to discover that, lo and behold, my premonition of email-related visual doom had come to pass! Gmail had removed their the "Revert to the old look temporarily" button and forced me to use their aesthetically repulsive "New Look"!

I mean, obviously its not an IMPORTANT premonition, although as a graphic designer their "New Look" does have a tendency to set my teeth on edge whenever I think about it.

So am I psychic? And more importantly, is this a harbinger of the apocalypse?

- Cate - 03-24-2014 04:15 PM


- Oum - 03-24-2014 04:22 PM

Yes, /sigh... FB Timeline and the removal of the "Revert to old look temporarily" from Gmail both together are signs of the approaching apocalypse. Next think you know Dick Clark will die and, wait, what was that babe? Oh shit my boyfriend just said Dick Clark died 2 days ago! We are fucked now...